Wednesday, July 8, 2020

4 Ways to Help Inspiration Strike

Having a creative outlet is a great way to maintain your wellbeing. Activities like painting, writing, playing an instrument, or other creative tasks can have a very calming influence on you. They are also very good therapeutic tools and can help you work through any issues you might be facing. If you’re a naturally creative person, you may indulge in these activities as hobbies, or perhaps you have decided to make a career out of your passion. Either way, struggling to find inspiration can be a very frustrating experience. To help you get inspired when you hit a wall creatively, try these tips below.

1.   Take a Walk

Getting out into the fresh air, especially if you have a local park or live in the countryside, can be a good way to find inspiration. It will help you to clear your head, and if you listen to some music as you walk, it can help you to get lost in your imagination and thoughts. Stopping to take in your surroundings and do some people watching might help to rouse some inspiration, too.

2.   Read

Reading is hugely beneficial for intellectual and personal growth. Many people struggle to find the time to sit down with a book due to the hustle and bustle of life, but getting lost in a fantastic piece of fiction or learning something new from a history book or biography is incredible. If you do like to read already, choose books that you wouldn’t usually read to help you learn new ideas. This is a particularly good idea if you’re looking for some inspiration, as it will make you think about things in a new way. A great subscription service for this is

3.   Listen to a Podcast

Another brilliant way to soak up some new ideas is by listening to podcasts. They can be a great source of information for those who are researching a creative project or who want to further understand certain concepts and ideas. From comedy podcasts to social commentaries and explorations to true crime and much, much more, there will certainly be one or more sources of inspiration available to you. You can listen to them as you’re working on your creative project to help keep you in the flow.

4.   Get Away

Sometimes being at home isn’t the most nurturing environment for creativity. There are many distractions, such as household chores, your phone, emails, the lure of the TV, or engaging with other members of the household. Getting away for a long weekend alone or with another creative individual could help to revitalize your spirit and stir some inspiration to start a new project or to continue with your current one. Rent a house or cottage somewhere quiet and peaceful, switch off your phone, and lose yourself in your work.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a professional creative or you enjoy these activities as a hobby; it’s still irritating when you feel a lack of inspiration. To get back in touch with your creative side and keep growing and learning, try these suggestions above.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24