Tuesday, July 21, 2020

7 Tips for Finding a New Job

Making the decision to look for alternative employment is a big task in itself; however, it’s only half the battle. Searching for, and finding, the right job for you may take longer than you think, and it may require a lot of separating the wheat from the chaff.

Anything you can do to narrow down the search and make your hunt that little bit easier will be beneficial to you.

Here are 7 tips for finding that perfect new job.

1. Try Not to Compromise

If you’ve made the important decision to seek a new job, then you want it to be worth the trouble. If not, you only risk becoming dissatisfied again in a new position. It may feel easy to compromise when you are pressed for time, but always remain clear on what you want and need, and don’t settle for less.

2. Decide on Your Search Area

To eliminate a lot of unsuitable job positions, you need to be clear on your search location. You need to understand how far you are willing to commute, whether relocation is a possibility, and what kind of transport you will be using. For example, if you do not drive and use public transport for work, you need to be sure any potential job position has easy access for transport links.

3. Interview Them, Too

Interviews aren’t just about making a good impression and helping the interviewer to decide to hire you. They’re also to help you make a decision whether the position and company is right for you, too. Interviews work both ways, so be sure to be honest and open about any questions you need to ask during the interview, and be sure that any uncertainties are covered.

Don’t get too wrapped up in wanting to present yourself in an overly-positive way, only to ignore any red flags about what the interviewer is saying, or any instincts you may have regarding whether the position is right for you.

4. Ask About Their Health and Safety Policy

It’s important to feel safe in any working environment, and you need to be sure that any new position has a dependable health and safety policy as well as risk assessment. If you get any indication that your potential new employer is a little lackadaisical about their health and safety, it’s probably not the best position for you.

You may want to ask this question during the interview stage, or if you’re shown around the building. You never want to put yourself in a position where you feel unsafe during the working day, as accidents can always happen, even if you’re being your most careful. Should the worst occur, you can seek a personal accident lawyer who can support you through any claim.

5. Book Some Time Off

Job hunting around a full-time position is very difficult – not to mention, when interviews arise, it can be very problematic trying to plan them around your current working hours. Using vacation days to have days, or even a week, off can help you to concentrate solely on your job search, as well as having time available for interviews which crop up.

6. Tailor Your Resume to the Job Application

If you think you’d be the perfect fit for a job you want, then make sure your resume is completely in line with what they are looking for. Mirror the same phrases they have used to advertise, and explain why you meet all the skills they are looking for. Use keywords and phrases to match what they have asked for, as oftentimes employers with hundreds of applications to sift through will want key information to jump out at them with minimal effort on their part.

7. Do Your Research

You should do as much research as possible, regarding every aspect of your job search. This includes:

·         Research into which jobs your skillsets align with
·         Research into what you need to do for specific jobs, for example build experience
·         Research the expected application process for certain positions
·         Research the specific industry you are targeting
·         Research the specific companies you are applying for jobs within

Other important research includes how to tailor or polish you resume, how to build confidence for interviews and anything related to job hunting which will make you feel more prepared and assured.

Final Thoughts

Successful job hunting will mainly come from being true to your own wants and needs, and keeping on track with that. Job hunting can be overwhelming, which means it’s easy to drift away from your needs and begin to apply for jobs desperately or when you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall. This may lead to applying for jobs you don’t particularly want, just to feel like you’re doing something. Stay on track and stay positive.


  1. Nice guide and tips that everyone can follow through. Thanks for it.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24