Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Create a Balanced Diet for Your Pet

Nutrition is key for a pet’s health, lifespan, and physical performance. If you would like to spend many years with your dog or cat, you must ensure they have the right nutrients in their diet. By doing so, you could help them to maintain a healthy weight, develop a stronger immune system, and support their senses.

It is, therefore, time to ditch products that are providing your pet with next to no goodness and incorporate healthier foods. Find out how to create a balanced diet for your pet.


A puppy’s body is comprised of 84% water, while an adult dog’s body is 60%. If they lose 10% or more, they could develop serious health issues, such as organ damage. Care for their well-being each day by ensuring they consume 2.5 times the amount of food as their water intake. However, clean water must be readily available for them to drink.


Fat is a must-have in a pet’s diet, as it will provide them with more energy than carbohydrates. It is important to find the right balance to create a healthy body for your pooch. For example, they could consume fat from various plants and meat, which should feature omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Overconsuming fats can lead to health complications, which is why your pet shouldn’t overindulge.

Vet nutritionists have also discovered that a source of dietary fat could support a dog’s sense of smell. For this reason, many people are careful to add fat into a diet when
using performance scent dogs. However, some forms of saturated fatty acids could harm their performance and olfactory sharpness.


Protein is an essential part of a dog’s or cat’s diet. There are various protein sources pets can consume, such as animal proteins and vegetables. As both dogs and cats are carnivores, they will require much more protein than humans. It is, however, vital to identify a protein level that’s right for their age, breed, and energy.


Carbohydrates will ensure your pet is bursting with energy. Most normal dog and cat food tend to contain between 30-70% carbs, so they are often easier to give to pets than any other food group. However, some pets will store carbohydrates as fat if they have surplus energy, which could cause obesity. For this reason, you must regularly walk your pet and ensure they eat the right amount of carbohydrates.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are integral to a healthy diet. After all, vitamins will help your much-loved pet to process various bio-chemicals, while minerals are crucial for nerve conduction and can support the absorption of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for energy. Also, if you see your dog lacks energy due to stress or anxiety, you could consider using CBD dog treats to help your dog better manage its' mental health.


Finding the perfect balance of all the above might seem like a difficult process, but it doesn’t need to be. Review pet food labels to help your dog or cat enjoy a balanced diet, as they will state the correct serving amount to suit your pet’s weight. Also, higher quality products will often feature meat as a first or second ingredient, so will likely contain a higher percentage of protein.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24