Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Common Drain Problems and How to Fix Them


If you’re a homeowner, you’ll know that with the benefits of owning your own property comes the responsibility of looking after it. Something that almost everybody has at one point are plumbing issues or problems with their drains, and these can come up when you least expect them. Here are some plumbing issues you’re likely to experience, as well as how to fix them.


Clogged Drains


Lots of stuff goes down a drain. Hair, soaps and those notorious coffee grounds can find themselves clogging up your u-bends and p-traps. Needless to say, they are a hassle to deal with. Sometimes you can just have at the drain with a plunger and see the problem disappear, but often you need professional tools like expansion plugs, and snakes. Even if you get these, you might find that the clog is a lot further down than you would have thought, so you might need to get a drain cleaning machine. Every now and then, though, it might just be worth getting drain cleaning.


Dripping Faucets


Did you know that leaky faucets waste on average 10,000 gallons of water every year for the normal American household? 10% of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more a day, and, according to the EPA’s partnership program WaterSense, common leaks around the home are easily correctable and can save homeowners about 10% on their water bills. A leaky faucet can be fixed by checking the faucet washers and gaskets for wear and then replacing them. It’s that easy.


Clogged Toilet


A combination of human waste, paper, and things that aren’t supposed to be there can clog your toilets, creating a horrible mess to deal with. It is especially likely with old toilets. You can unclog a toilet yourself using a plunger or some form of stick or rod to break up the clog, but if you can’t fix this yourself you might have to get an emergency plumber on the phone (who are ready 24/7).




Leaking pipes will cause terrible spikes in your water bills and can be hard to detect. If you suspect a leak, turn off all faucets and make sure the dishwasher isn’t running before checking the water meter and making a note of the numbers you see. After an hour, go back and check it again. If the numbers have changed there is likely a leak somewhere. Often, this can be a toilet flapper becoming brittle and causing a leak over time, so if you suspect a leak, put some food coloring in the tank of every toilet in the house. If there is a leak due to a compromised flapper, you will see color in the bowl within a few minutes. You can fix a toilet flapper by installing a new one. If you have found a leaky pipe, you can put epoxy putty over the source of the leak to temporarily seal it before using a pipe repair kit from your local hardware store.


  1. Excessive paper is one of the more common reasons for a plugging toilet. If you have this happen to your toilets, change to single-ply toilet paper!! It worked magnificently for me.


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