**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

When she hears that the small town of Heritage, Michigan, is looking for a new librarian, Libby Kingsley jumps at the opportunity. Little did she know the library is barely more than a storage closet stuffed with dusty, outdated books. What the community really needs is a new building. But the only funds available are those being channeled into the new town square, and the landscape architect in charge of the project wants nothing to do with her plans.
All Austin Williams wants to do is get the town square project finished so he can do right by the family business and then extricate himself from the town that reveres the brother who cost him so much. But the local media and the town's new librarian seem to be conspiring against him at every turn. Will the determined bookworm find her way into his blueprints--and possibly even his heart?
Novelist Tari Faris invites you back to the small town with a big heart in this second book in the Restoring Heritage series.
Tari Faris is the author of You Belong with Me. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers and My Book Therapy, she is the projects manager for My Book Therapy, writes for learnhowtowriteanovel.com, and is a 2017 Genesis Award winner. She has an MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary and lives in the Phoenix, Arizona, area with her husband and their three children. Although she lives in the Southwest now, she lived in a small town in Michigan for 25 years.
Last year, I had the chance to read Tari Harris' debut novel You Belong With Me...and I loved it. It didn't feel like a debut, but rather a new novel from a seasoned author. So, when I saw her second book- the next book in the same series- was out, I couldn't wait to check it out! And let me just say, it did not disappoint!
Do you have to have read book one to enjoy this one? I would honestly say probably not... but I think you would get the most enjoyment out of it if you did. There's certainly a lot of backstory there to give us a better understanding of the story, and to introduce us to some of the town's more unique quirks too.
Like the first book, Until I Met You has a great blend of romance, small town quirks and building restorations... three things that I personally enjoy! And while we get to revisit our romantic leads from the previous book a little, this story focuses primarily on new to librarian Libby and pastor Nate's brother Austin. From their first meeting, well let's just say that this wasn't exactly love at fist sight... but their constant head butting certainly made for a rather entertaining read! I enjoyed their fun chemistry even if there were moments I wanted to shake some sense into them. Clearly that just meant I was emotionally invested in the story, right? They weren't the only romance in the story though, we also got to see more from Olivia and Nate too... and their relationship was of course just as complicated and entertaining too. The romance was great of course, but more than that I really loved these beautiful stories of forgiveness and grace... and not just of each other, but of ourselves as well.
Overall, if you love a good romance and a good story of second chances, this is certainly one worth checking out. I cannot wait for the next one.
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