Thursday, October 1, 2020

5 Ways To Protect Older People in Your Community


While many countries have started relaxing the rules surrounding isolation and distancing, the fact is, the virus is still here and doesn’t set to be going anywhere fast. Some groups may still be vulnerable, and this includes the older generation. While COVID-19 has presented some problems with loneliness and isolation during the past few months, there are some ways to support your community while the pandemic plays out.


Take a look at some helpful ideas below:

Social distancing


This has become a buzzword of late, but it’s never been more important. Older people don’t generally want to be distanced from anyone. Still, it can help them if they have underlying health issues. By sticking with the government guidelines in your area and helping them out where possible, you can see your nearest and dearest with minimal risk.

Join community groups


Community groups in the local area are a great way to help out different people in your catchment. These groups identify who is most at risk and provides help where necessary. By joining a group, you can help towards the effort. While the need may not be as prevalent as it was back around March/April, some older people still want to stay distanced for health reasons. So these types of groups can help them get the support they need.

Improve safety and security in home and outside settings


Older people may want to avoid answering the door to unknown guests. So a great way to give them peace of mind is to chat with loved ones about installing security and safety systems. Something as simple as a doorbell camera can alert them when someone is at the door, and they can speak with the person through a smartphone. Companies such as Compound Security also install systems that deter loitering with a sound that is typically only heard by under 25s. This can be helpful for many locations where groups gather.

Encourage online interaction


If your loved ones are computer savvy, then encourage them to join in with family time on Skype, Whatsapp, or similar. It’s a great way to keep in touch with everyone and can bring the whole family together. This will help older people not to feel so isolated, too, and makes them feel at ease rather than having several people visit the house.

Planning ahead


As the year progresses, there may be changes for many people over the coming months, including those that were previously shielding. The path of the virus is unknown, and flu season is also nearly upon us. To help loved ones plan ahead, having contingencies in place can avoid the issues previously with access to food and medicines. Encouraging loved ones to join community groups can also be an uplifting way to get support and guidance if required.


The way we live may be changing over the next few months and years. However, protecting those closest to you and your community can help pave the way for a supportive and cohesive effort.




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