Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Thinking of Building an Outdoor Playhouse for Your Kids? Here's Why You Should!

 When you're trying to get your kids to spend more time outside, it can sometimes feel impossible to separate them from their screens. And whether you're running a business from home or not, helping your kids spend more time in the great outdoors is beneficial in a number of ways. So if you're thinking about providing your kids with a space that's all their own outside, here are a few benefits that come with it.

More Fresh Air

Fresh air might feel like the simplest reason to invest in building an outdoor playhouse area for your kids, but it's one of the most important. Getting outside and getting active is incredibly important for children of all ages. An outdoor playhouse gives your kids that feeling of security they get from being inside combined with the fresh air of the outdoors and the opportunity to step outside into the yard at any moment. In addition, spending time outside can help reduce stress, improve sleep, and contribute to a happier mindset. With the ability to go in and out as they please, a playhouse offers the perfect balance of indoor and outdoor activity. And all this while giving your kids a space that's all their own!

Easily Relocated

If you're not sure where you want to build your kids' playhouse in the yard, there's no need to worry. With the option to choose between relocatable and permanent modular construction, you can move this structure around as many times as you need to before deciding on a more permanent location. And if you decide to move house in the next few years, it's easy to pack up the playhouse and take it with you to your new home. Of course, you don't have to relocate the playhouse if you don't want to. If you find the perfect location, you can even have your kids help build a little garden or sitting area around it to make it feel even more like a permanent installation in your backyard.

A Safe Area to Play

When you invest in an outdoor playhouse, you know your kids are going to be safe while they play. While play structures like a jungle gym or treehouse pose falling hazards, a playhouse will be safely set on the ground for your kids to enjoy. In addition, it provides shelter should your kids want to stay inside while the weather turns. And even though it would take a hailstone the size of a golf ball to make a dent in any kind of permanent structure, it's a nice feeling to have the peace of mind that your kids are going to have a safe spot to hang out and play while it's raining or windy outside.

Lifelong Use

Who says a playhouse stops being useful once your kids stop using it for play? If your playhouse is big enough, you could turn it into a cool spot for your kids to spend time in as they grow older. And if that's not an option, it's still an excellent place to store yard equipment, gardening tools, and more in your backyard. It also has the added benefit of looking great if you've installed a garden or sitting area around it. The possibilities for using this structure that you built are nearly endless, even after it's stopped being used for play.

Building an outdoor playhouse for your kids can be incredibly rewarding and a great way to help your kids spend more time outside. Make sure to get all materials you need from Cut My Plastic before starting your building project. These are just a few of the many benefits you'll reap when you decide to build a playhouse -- what are you waiting for?


  1. We didn't have outdoor playhouses when I was a kid. They look like a lot of fun. Thanks for posting!


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