Monday, November 9, 2020

5 Unique Activities Your Family Can Enjoy Together This Winter

 Are you looking for some new, unique activities for your family to enjoy together this winter? Check out these ideas.

Go Camping - In Your Backyard!

Does your family go camping every summer? Are you one of the, according to RVIA, 30 million RV enthusiasts nationwide? If so, consider trying out camping winter-style. Winterize your RV by adding heat and parking it in your backyard. Not only will your kids love spending time in your backyard RV, but it can become an activity for the family to enjoy. Play cards, do a puzzle, and enjoy some camping snacks in the RV as a family. 

While it may seem weird to spend time in your RV in the winter, it is a different environment for your family to enjoy - especially if you’ve been spending a lot of time inside your house together. Camping winter-style may be a great way to get your family out of a familiar place for a while and enjoy some of the activities you typically get to do over the summer.

Teach Your Kids a Family Recipe

Have you been dying to try out your grandma’s apple pie recipe or make your dad’s meatballs? See if your kids would like to join you in the kitchen. Teach your kids how to read a recipe, how to measure ingredients, and how to use the oven and stove if they don’t know already. Making spaghetti and meatballs and a yummy apple pie for dessert would be a perfect combo for your entire family to tackle making and baking together.

Add Some Color to Your Home

Have you been thinking about painting the walls in your basement or your child’s bedroom or playroom? A project like this can be one for the entire family to enjoy. If you have a finished basement, surely adding a pop of color will make your kids enjoy spending time down there even more. 

Make choosing paint colors a family decision. If your kids want bright pink or yellow walls, perhaps talk them down to three white or light grey walls with one bright yellow wall. This way, your kids can enjoy a bright color, and your basement won’t look too overwhelming.

Did you know that, if stored properly, a can of paint can last three to five years? Perhaps you have some paint in your basement or garage that’s been sitting around for a couple of years. Give it a check and see if it’s usable. If you have a nice blue paint from painting a wall in your garage or your own bedroom, perhaps your children are interested in a new wall color in their bedrooms. Not only will it be a fun project, but you can teach your kids how to paint with the proper materials - and by being patient and having some precision!

Enjoy the Winter Wonderland

Another way to enjoy time with your family may be by going outside in the snow! Instead of a typical winter day of sledding or making a snowman, suggest a new activity to your kids: building a snow kingdom. Not only will this take a lot of time so your kids can get some fresh air and enjoy the snow, but the entire family can get in on this project.

Start by bundling everyone up and heading outside. Be sure the snow is packable. Next, split up the snow kingdom, perhaps by assigning each part to a different family member - but let your kids take charge. After all, it is their kingdom. Then, get building! Create rooms by building walls of snow. Then, use play equipment that can survive the cold weather, such as plastic play chairs, to make each room a little cozier. You can even attempt to build snow tunnels throughout your kingdom. Not only will your kids have a blast, but capturing these moments will make an adorable Christmas card.

Create Family Scrapbook Boards

Scrapbooking is a fun activity in itself - but creating boards for you and your family to enjoy seeing in your home every day would be a wonderful way to liven up your home during the holidays as well as spend some quality time together as a family. Each family member can create a board for another one. You can start by ordering individual prints of each person in your family along with group family photos and pictures with friends. 

Then, provide plenty of glue, glitter, stickers, scissors, and many different colors and patterns of paper. Give each family member a small poster board and allow everyone’s creativity to flow. Put on some Christmas music and enjoy some holiday treats while everyone creates their scrapbook boards. Once everyone is finished, show each other your creations. Then, find a good spot in your home to hang the posters. Be sure they’re in a spot everyone can see and enjoy them throughout the holiday season. With families spending more time together at home, having decorations like this may make working from home not seem so bad. In fact, 80% of employees view working remotely as a job perk - and surely scrapbook boards of your family adorning your living rooms walls will make you feel the same. A project like this will allow everyone in your family to appreciate one another and enjoy the holidays together even more.

Try out some new activities with your family this winter. Not only will your kids remember camping in the winter and building a snow kingdom, but these activities can become yearly traditions for your family to enjoy together every holiday season.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24