Thursday, December 10, 2020

Take Back Your Life A Guide to Coping with Chronic Pain


Chronic pain is a pain that has lasted for more than three months or that takes longer than expected for an injury to heal. It stems from the nerve continuing to transmit pain signals to the brain despite no injury or inflammation.

In the past, many people were instructed to rest for many months in bed when living with the condition, but this could be the worst option for your health. If you want to take back control of your life, read this informative guide to coping with chronic pain.

Exercise When You Feel Good

Stretching and physical activity can help you to alleviate chronic pain. It is, however, essential you don’t overexert your body during exercise, as it could exacerbate your discomfort. Instead, you must workout little and often, and only do so on the days when you are not struggling with much pain.

There are different exercises you can incorporate into your lifestyle, such as:

·         Walking
·         Yoga
·         Pilates
·         Dancing

If in doubt, talk to your doctor about the best exercises for your body, and stop working out if you experience additional pain.

Take an Over-the-Counter Painkiller

An over-the-counter painkiller could prove effective at reducing chronic pain. For instance, you could take acetaminophen to combat discomfort, or you could try ibuprofen to decrease pain and inflammation. It is crucial to read the directions for each over-the-counter painkiller, and you must avoid ibuprofen if you are pregnant or have a stomach condition. If two courses fail to alleviate your pain, request help from your doctor.

Consume CBD

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a chemical compound from a cannabis plant, and it is believed to be an effective option for treating a variety of health issues, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. CBD can be taken in different forms, such as oil, vape, drinks, capsules, and more. It is, however, important to note that there is a shelf life of CBD, which is determined by the extraction method, ingredients, the hemp quality, packaging, and its exposure to heat, air, and light.

Practice Deep Breathing Exercises

Medication and deep breathing exercises can relax the body, which can alleviate chronic pain. Repetitive breathing can decrease muscular tension and tightness, which can reduce the debilitating pain and discomfort.

Follow the below meditation tips:

Focus on each breath
·         Ignore all thoughts
·         Repeat a relaxing word or phrase

If you are unsure how to meditate alone, take a class near you to practice your technique and enjoy the relaxing benefits of the exercise.

Alternatively, you could practice deep breathing techniques. To do so, you must find a quiet spot and a comfortable seat before imagining a spot below your navel and then breathing into it. Block out negative thoughts while filling your abdomen with air and then letting it out.

Book a Professional Massage

People living with different forms of chronic pain, such a back and neck pain, often book a professional massage to decrease discomfort, tension, and stress. It can also reportedly raise a person’s temperature due to improved blood flow, which can increase the muscle tissues’ flexibility and elasticity. Plus, it can encourage the release of feel-good hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins.

If you are living with chronic pain, such as arthritis or post-surgical pain, you should enjoy a massage either once per week or bi-weekly. Monitor how your body feels a week or two after a massage to choose the right schedule for you and book an appointment when a flare-up strikes.

Track Your Pain Daily

Tracking your pain cannot only help you to identify patterns in your condition, but it could inform your doctor how you’ve been feeling between appointments. Rate your pain level at the end of each day from one to 10, and make a note of any activities you performed, such as exercise, gardening, or even resting. It could provide a doctor with an insight into the pain you’re feeling and how it affects your everyday life.

Improve Your Mental Health

It might surprise you to learn that your mental health could increase your chronic pain, as the likes of anxiety, depression, and stress can increase pain sensitivity. Improving your mental health could, therefore, provide much-needed relief.

Decrease stress and worry by:

·         Listening to calming music
·         Enjoying a warm bath
·         Reading a book

Again, you should talk to your doctor about your mental health, take CBD, book a professional massage, and embrace deep breathing exercises.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24