Wednesday, February 17, 2021

5 Top Tips to Combat Stress


Family life can be stressful. There is no denying this fact.

From the pressures of trying to juggle your job with your family commitments, to making time for your spouse, to attempting, and more often than not failing, to enjoy some quality “me time” – all of which can cause you to feel more than a little stressed.

If this sounds all too familiar and you fear that just one more moment of tension will push you over the edge, then you need to start thinking of ways to combat the stress in your life.

Sooner rather than later.

Fortunately, busting stress does not have to be a chore in itself. There are many fun and healthy ways to combat stress, many of which the whole family can enjoy together.

Keep reading to find out more!

1.   Give CBD oil a try

Known for aiding relaxation and bringing about feelings of calm, CBD oil and CBD-related products are becoming increasingly mainstream in recent years, with people of all ages and backgrounds enjoying their potential health benefits.

For those that do not know, CBD products offer all the advantages of marijuana without the “high” feeling, making them perfectly safe to use throughout the day and night.

CBD Guru is known for supplying premium CBD products with prices that are competitive and affordable for all.

2.   Practice breathing techniques

There are many different breathing techniques that are said to help combat feelings of stress, anxiety and panic. For maximum results, you need to practice your chosen breathing technique daily as your body and mind will start to become reliant on this way of relaxing.

Try to find somewhere quiet and peaceful in your home to carry out this activity and make yourself as comfortable as you can. It does not matter whether you are standing, sitting or lying on your bed when you practice your breathing techniques, as long as you are focused on the moment.

3.   Spend time with nature

If you are feeling stressed out in your home or at work, the quickest way to eliminate feelings of tension and pressure is to simply step outside. Whether you choose to go for a quiet stroll around your local park, sit in your backyard for 15 minutes listening to the birds or you engage in a more energetic outdoor activity, you are guaranteed to feel calmer and more in control once you spent some time outside, surrounded by nature.

4.   Play with your pet

If you have a dog, cat, rabbit or perhaps even a ferret, these companions are just perfect for reducing your stress levels and making you feel instantly more at peace. Choose to take your dog for a walk, play a game with your cat or simply sit on the couch stroking your animal.  Any time spent with your pet will bring about feelings of calm.

5.   Indulge in a massage

The power of touch is invaluable when it comes to relieving stress and tension, especially if the stress you are experiencing is having a negative effect on your body as well as your mind. If you can afford to, book in for a professional massage as a trained masseuse will know exactly where to apply pressure for optimal results.

However, do not worry if you do not have the spare cash or time to visit your local spa. Instead, why not ask your partner or a friend to give you a massage once a month?


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24