Thursday, February 11, 2021

Should You Take Your Pet on Vacation?


Our pets are part of the family and a source of great joy, but their needs can make it difficult for us to take vacations or even long weekends. For some people, the best solution is to take their pet on vacation with them. However, there are lots of factors to consider before you decide to take them with you, and in some cases, it might be better for you and your pet to arrange alternative care for them while you are away.

You may like the idea of taking your pet with you on vacation, but is it the right decision for them? Some pets do not cope well with travel, new environments, or unfamiliar people, and the resulting stress can have a big impact on both their health and behavior. If you are worrying about your pet throughout the vacation, it will also prevent you from being able to relax.

Here are some important considerations and steps to take if you are thinking of taking your pet with you on vacation:

Consider your alternatives

If you are worried that your pet may not enjoy the vacation or they are not in the best physical condition, consider asking a close friend or family member to look after them while you are away. Alternatively, you could hire a professional pet sitter to look after them in your home, or you could check them into a pet boarding facility where they will get lots of attention, exercise, and a cozy place to sleep. Visit for more information on high-quality pet boarding.

Get them checked by a vet

If you are not sure whether your pet is fit enough to travel, be sure to visit your veterinarian to get them checked over. Assuming that they are well enough to travel, you should ensure that their vaccinations are up to date and that they have had medicine to prevent flea, tick, and worm infestations. Your veterinarian might also have some useful advice about how to protect against any health risks your pet might encounter while traveling internationally. 

Get them a new ID tag

Losing your pet is distressing at any time, but when they are lost in a strange place, the chances of getting them back become much slimmer. Your pet should have a tag on their collar which includes your cellphone number and the address of your accommodation. Your pet should also have a microchip with your home address and contact information. This will provide a back-up should they be found without their collar and taken to a sanctuary or vet. You could also invest in a GPS pet tracker that attaches to their collar, enabling you to track their movements via a smartphone app.

Prepare them for travel

In whatever way you will be transporting your pet, it is a good idea to prepare them for the experience. For example, small dogs and cats who will be traveling in a carrier or travel crate should be able to stand, turn around, and lay down easily inside and it should be well ventilated. If they are not used to spending time in a carrier or a travel crate, place it in the home with the door open so they can explore it at their own pace. You could even place tasty food inside and soft blankets to encourage them to use it as a sleeping den, which is ideal as it will have positive connotations for them. If your pet does not travel by car often, take them out on some short journeys with lots of treats to get them used to the sensation of a moving vehicle and engine noise.



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