Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Brief Guide That Makes Writing a Eulogy Simple



With the life expectancy in the United States at 78 years of age, sadly, eulogies are something many of us will need to perform in our lifetimes.

However, you don't have to be a professional writer or storyteller to compose and present a compelling eulogy. The best forms of these funeral service tributes come from the heart, have a little humor, and show the respect and love the deceased had in life.

And even if you're a private or shy person, there are ways to prepare yourself for standing up and delivering the eulogy with respect and reverence. Remember, a good eulogy is a service to others. It is a way to help others successfully navigate the grieving process.

In the following article, we'll discuss ways to share stories at the funeral service and pay your respects to your loved one.

Share Some Stories

A eulogy works best if you share your personal stories about the deceased but if you include how others remember them. Ask a few of your close friends to meet with you to discuss your loved one.

Not only will you all find some solace together, but you'll have some people to help you brainstorm stories and themes for your eulogy.

Don't feel awkward about asking people to do this. Friends and family will be glad to help you with the important part you'll play in the funeral service.

When you meet, try to take a few notes in a notebook or on your phone to help you remember what you spoke about.

Choose a Theme

Now that you've collected the stories, it's time to start to shape them up. Try to isolate a way to convey a unified message about the person you are writing about.

This is usually done by deciding on a theme for your speech. It could be "love of family" or "the importance of faith." Other good ones include "living life to the fullest" or "community giving."

Then compare the stories you've collected to your chosen theme and decide which ones fit. These will be the ones you'll incorporate into your draft.

Pre-Write With an Outline

An outline is a great way to set up a roadmap for your writing.

In general, start with a greeting. Try to thank the immediate family and anyone who traveled a great distance to be there.

Then consult your theme and start with the body of your eulogy.

Compose some general remarks about the person and their character. Were they kind? Loving? Or did they do something remarkable for their community or family?

Next in your outline, mark a spot for a humorous story. You may want to add more than one but be careful. It's easy to overpack your writing.

Also, make sure your humorous story is appropriate for everyone in the audience and doesn't embarrass anyone. You want to focus on fun memories, not unfortunate mishaps.

Return to your theme and make your point about how the deceased impacted your life or the lives of others. Don't worry about how long it takes.

Then, commensurate with the people in the audience about how the loved one will be missed and remembered. This may be a good time to tell one final story.

Lastly, thank everyone for coming and say a final word of goodbye for the deceased.

Write and Edit

Remember, you can deviate from your outline, but if you've spent a good amount of time developing it, try to write to it as closely as you can.

Try to mix short declarative sentences with longer descriptive ones to vary your writing.

When you're done, take a break. Let the words sit on the page for a short while before you start to edit them.

When you do start to edit, don't be afraid to cut the eulogy down. This will make your writing easier to present and for the audience to appreciate. Also, ask yourself if you stuck to your theme throughout?

Practice and Present Your Eulogy

After you've written a draft and edited your eulogy into a final version, read it aloud and present it to a friend or family member. In all likelihood, you are all going through an emotional time, so try to take any constructive criticism positively.

A eulogy is a formal way to remember the deceased and to say your final farewells. Try to enjoy the moment — the writing and the presentation — no matter how nervous you are.

Was this article helpful? Search our website for more on writing and funerals.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24