Thursday, April 22, 2021

Tips on finding a reputable optician in Southampton


Optics is an inherent speciality with optometry. Many optometrists have also studied optics or carry the single title of an optometrist, depending on the educational institution in which they studied. However, this does not mean that every optician is called an optometrist as his curriculum may not meet the profession's needs. Optics deals with the execution of recipes, whether they concern glasses that help you with your vision and upgrade your looks or contact lenses, but also the retailing of all kinds of optical items.


Optometry investigates the function of vision and eye health in general. Optometry is mainly concerned with the measurement of vision and is an independent and autonomous profession in the field of health. Studies in optometry are university-level and include extensive training, both theoretical and practical, in the fields of optics, physiology, neurology and vision-related pathology. Optometrists' main object is the diagnosis, correction, and treatment of vision disorders at every level with the help of glasses, contact lenses, filters, and low vision aids.


Services they provide and what they can handle

You can visit an optometrist for your annual eye exam, change your glasses or contact lenses, or even receive medication and treatment for certain eye conditions. Unlike an ophthalmologist, an optometrist is not a surgeon and cannot cure more severe eye conditions.


Optometrists provide the following services:


       Annual or regular eye examinations, including eye health education

       Diagnosis of eye diseases

       Recipes for glasses, contact lenses and other optical aids

       If the optometrist deems it necessary, he will recommend you to be examined by an ophthalmologist to help you with more severe eye problems.


The optometrist is involved in the prevention, management, and rehabilitation of basic and complex vision problems and diagnosing both vision diseases and systemic diseases, such as diabetes.


A complete optometric examination includes refraction, prescription and selection of appropriate optical aids (e.g. glasses, contact lenses, prisms) to correct refractive errors. At the same time, it also includes treatments for the restoration of disorders of the mechanism of vision at normal levels.


The optometrist has also been properly trained in selecting and applying contact lenses to correct refractive error and "therapeutic" contact lenses to correct chronic conditions.


The current situation requires the creation of professionals in the wide range of health care vision with a high level of training able to cope clinically and research the increased incidence of myopia worldwide, including our country, and the greater need to correct a large percentage of the productive population suffering from presbyopia. Although the scope of optometry practices varies from country to country, all optometrists worldwide aim to provide their patients with clear and relaxed vision throughout their lives.


According to the European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO), optometry is an autonomous profession in health, which requires education and is governed by specific rules. It is practised exclusively by graduates of recognized schools who have obtained a license to practice the profession. Many optometrists can also be ophthalmologists, such as Aris Konstantopoulos of Aris Vision Correction, who can offer you comprehensive optical services covering the full range of your visual complications and providing a solution to all problems related to your vision.


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