Monday, June 28, 2021

Modernise Your Look with These Beauty Tips and Tricks


Are you tired of looking in the mirror and feeling uninspired? Has your look remained the same for years now and you’re ready to modernise but don’t know where to start? It’s normal to get stuck in a beauty rut. People tend to find what they are comfortable with and then stick with it out of fear of the unknown. Trying new techniques, colours, products and ideas can be scary. So, let’s fight that fear and uncertainty head-on and provide you with some basic beauty tips and tricks that will modernise your look.

Explore Semi-Permanent Makeup Options

A trend that has been growing in the makeup industry is cosmetic tattooing. While this may sound a bit intimidating, in reality, it is a way to make your life a little easier and help you to enhance your look. Cosmetic tattooing provides you with semi-permanent makeup in various locations on your face. The result is meant to look natural and undetectable and helps to give you a more polished look.

These cosmetic tattooing beauty treatments Oxfordshire are quite popular and include such options as:

Eyebrows - filling them in so they frame your face better
·         Lips - giving you a more natural plump and filled-out lip
·         Eyeliner - taking away the need to apply eyeliner each day

In general, these types of treatments last for about 12 to 36 months but you'll likely need to go for retouches around every six months.

Start Giving Yourself At-Home Facials

If you are under the impression that your daily skincare routine is more than adequate to address your needs, it's time to put that belief to rest. Rarely are just the basic steps enough, especially if you have specific concerns like maturing/ageing skin, adult acne, uneven skin tone and dull skin to name a few. Now is the time to start giving yourself at home facials. Sure, it would be lovely to visit the professionals, but if you learn the basics to do at-home then you can do it on a more regular basis.

Experts recommend looking into masks and peels that address your specific concerns and are made for your skin type. These products are very beginner-friendly and you can start small and work up to the more advanced masks and peels with stronger ingredients and benefits.

Play Up the Drama on Your Eyes

If you want instant results, makeup is typically the best tool. Right now, the emphasis is truly on the eyes when it comes to makeup trends. If you have problems around your eyes, then you could start by looking into getting eyelid surgery to tighten things up. From there, it’s all about playing up your eye shape and colour and letting them be the star of the show. You may want to tone down the makeup on the other features and areas of your face so that your eyes really can speak for themselves.

Each of these tips and tricks will help you create a more polished, beautiful, and modern look that fills you with confidence. Keep in mind that makeup and beauty trends are always evolving so it’s an area in which you never want to get too stuck in your ways.


  1. I could stand to do something different.......... NO tattooing


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24