Friday, June 11, 2021

Vegan Diet: Top 6 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Give it a Try


Do you think you need to rely on different means to get enough protein? Do you believe that it will be boring to eat the same food over and over again? Well! That's not the case. It's actually quite the opposite. In addition to helping you get all the required nutrients, it will help you get many other benefits.


What if we tell you that your favorite "Meredith Grey from the Grey's Anatomy" also transitioned to a vegan diet? Well! Not her alone, even Benedict Cumberbatch, when promoting his movie, Avengers, revealed that it's his plant-based diet that helped him stay in shape. In fact, he grabbed the title of the Most Beautiful Vegan in 2018.


If that doesn't motivate you enough, the following science-based facts might help you make an informed decision. But before we move on to that, let's clear some air around the different diet interpretations.


Well! Unlike what people think, there are different ways of going about this diet. This is how it is.


     Vegetarian diet is where individuals can opt for cheese, eggs, and milk. But they eat any form of meat.

     Vegan diet is all about forgoing animal products. You need to depend on plants only for everything exclusively.

     Raw vegan diet is about using the same ideology as mentioned before but eating only raw.

     Flexitarian Diet is about cutting down on the meat intake and eating a diet that contains plants most of the time with some animal products occasionally.


Now let's get back to where we started! Let's understand the health benefits of increasing the portions of plants on your plate.


It Helps You With Gaining Healthy Nutrients


If you switch to a vegan diet, you'll automatically eliminate all the meat or animal products. So, when you switch to vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, and other options, it will help you increase the intake of beneficial nutrients.


For instance, if you go by the studies, vegan diets offer more fiber, antioxidants, or plant compounds. Also, they have higher levels of potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.


It Might Help to Keep Your Heart Healthy


It is no surprise that meat contains saturated fat. And such fat types often cause heart issues, especially if you overload your body with them. That's why by cutting back on meat and opting for plant-based foods, you will be doing yourself a favor.


A study confirmed that eating a plant-based diet might help individuals reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by more than 16%. But it's not only about limiting your meat sources. It's about eating healthy plant-based options. For instance, it won't do any good if you opt for refined grains or sugary beverages. Instead, opt for legumes, fruits, vegetables, and healthy oils like olive oil for better results.


It Might Help You With Your Weight Loss


The number of obese individuals globally has already gone through the roof. However, the risk of obesity decreases if you swap your diet with a plant-based one. Even if that's not your goal, studies confirm that plant-eaters tend to weigh less. Another study found that the BMI for vegans was 23.6 as compared to non-vegetarians which was 28.8. In other words, if you eat vegan food, you can quickly drop pounds over time.


Why? It is because the whole grains or vegetables are comparatively low on the glycemic index (digested slowly), which gives you the feeling of fullness.


It Might Help You Improve Your Cholesterol


It is no more a secret that high cholesterol levels often result in fatty deposits in your blood. This often results in heart attack, stroke, or heart disease. But if you maintain a healthy diet, it will help you keep your cholesterol levels in check.


Studies confirm that moving away from animal products helps to lower LDL/ bad cholesterol by approximately 15%. And if you follow a strict vegan diet, you can decrease it further by 25%.


It Might Help You Keep Your Brain Healthy


Now that you have an idea that the benefits of following a plant-based diet are many. But did you know it could help you with your mental health as well? A growing body of research confirms this diet helps to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's. A review of around nine studies revealed that eating an extra 100 grams of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cognitive impairment or dementia by 13%.


This is because fruits and vegetables have higher levels of polyphenols which slow down the progression of Alzheimer's.


It Might Help You Lower Your Hypertension


Everyone knows the way hypertension or high blood pressure can increase the risk of health issues. And that includes heart diseases, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Luckily, if you switch to a plant-based diet, you can make a difference in this space as well.


Various studies show that a plant-based diet can help reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing associated conditions.


Final Words


While there are many diets you can opt for, it will definitely be great for your health if you go vegan. In fact, as per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegans are less likely to have issues like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It's because vegans get access to all the nutrients that make them healthy and allow them to leave the nasty stuff away.

So, your body doesn’t have to deal with all the unnecessary toxins that often leaves you sick.


And guess what, you can still eat your favorite foods! All you have to ditch is the cholesterol. And since the demand for vegan food is skyrocketing, many companies and diners are coming out with more delicious items that taste amazing and are much healthier.


Isn't that what you hope for whenever you eat something, especially when the world faces a pandemic? Choosing vegan food will help you keep fit while not letting go of the "taste" factor. So, try switching to this diet and see for yourself.


Stay Healthy!




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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24