Thursday, July 15, 2021

Fantastic Ways To Help And Support Your New-mom Friends


Motherhood is magical yet challenging. Mothers conceive, carry their baby for months, and use every ounce of energy in their bodies to give birth. Believe it or not, that’s the easiest part of parenting.


The challenging part is the one that comes next. From feeling happy and overwhelmed to feeling lonely and depleted, there’s a flood of emotions new mommies have to deal with. Some even go through postpartum depression after giving birth.


No matter how many parenting books new mommies have read from cover to cover, they’ll always feel confused and anxious about their baby’s care.


So, offering a helping hand to new mommies can really help with stuff that comes after bringing a baby home. Not to mention she will definitely thank you for your efforts.


Here’s something that can get you started.


     Help with the baby care


It is okay for a new mom to feel scared about what’s good and bad for her little sunshine. So, try lending a helping hand and teach her about how to take care of her baby.


For starters, tell her about how important it is to take care of the baby’s skin during the initial months. She should know that her baby’s skin is sensitive and is constantly changing its needs. Suggest her to avoid using any chemical-based products as some ingredients could do more harm than good to her baby’s skin.


You can also teach her about stuff that can keep her baby’s skin hydrated and soft, especially around sensitive spots like knees, diaper lines, and elbows. Once her baby reaches the age of three months, she should start using a gentle baby balm to hydrate her little one’s skin. You can also show her how to apply a baby balm the right way to seal and restore the moisture levels in her little one’s skin.



     Help her relax and sleep


Bringing a whole new person into the world is something that’ll leave new parents exhausted for days. From going into labor to bringing a newborn home, there’s a lot to process. That’s why they need to sleep and relax to fulfill their responsibilities efficiently and calm down their raging hormones.


But it is tough and nearly impossible to relax and sleep with frequent diaper changes, feeding, and a fussy baby. That’s where you can lend a helping hand to your friend.


Help new parents to find a good night’s sleep by taking care of their baby. Do it as much as you can and help them get over sleep deprivation as soon as possible.



     Offer to babysit older kids.


If you have no prior experience with babies and still want to help your new-mom friend, you can always consider babysitting older kids.


Parents often feel a bit chaotic managing older kids with the newest member of their family. Try to take some load off of their chest by arranging playdates for older kids. It would also be beneficial if you volunteer to pick up their older kids from school. This way, you’ll be giving parents a chance to bond with their newest addition.


To sum it all up,


There are several things you can do for your new-mom friends. For instance, run some errands for them to give her a break from household chores. Or organize a date night for parents for them to reconnect and get over postpartum depression. The list is endless.


So, get on to work and use the tips mentioned above to help your new-mom friends. They’ll definitely love and cherish you for it.




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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24