Wednesday, July 14, 2021

How Can Quilting And Sewing Help You To Transform Your Lifestyle For The Better?


The past two years have been difficult, stressful, and tough for everyone, be it professionally, financially or emotionally. At the same time, it has been a time for reinvention and renewal for those who seek change and believe in upgrading their skills.

People are taking time off their computer screens to indulge in something more interesting apart from their mundane jobs. Invest time in long-lost hobbies, or even explore new and exciting things to do. There are various art forms and life skills that you can choose from.

One such skill that was a prominent life skill at one time is quilting and sewing. In today's time, quilting is more of a hobby for many people though some people are smart enough to monetize this skill.

But there is so much more you can do if you learn to sew or quilt. It is one of the best side hustles that can help you relax or help you to earn some extra cash. You can work at your convenience and create something beautiful with your own hands. Sewing and quilting is a life skill that can help you with

       Mend your clothes or other items

       Upcycle old items into something new

       Create something new and unique

       Maybe start a small business of your own too

How can quilting and sewing transform your life for the better

Skills that save money

When buying something ready to wear from a shop, it will always need some little alteration here and there so that it fits better. Many would prefer to get an outfit tailor-made exclusively to get the fit, cut, stitch, and material right. What if you could learn to make those little adjustments on your own without paying extra to the tailors for the same?

Worse, when the zipper breaks or our buttons fall off the favorite outfit, nothing can be done to save it. Learning to sew by hand or by machine could be a life-saving tool in this situation. Also, upgrading the wardrobe or small decorative items for the home can be made easily. The benefits are endless, and so are your creative pursuits in sewing and quilting.

Emotional and mental wellbeing

Any hobby is extremely beneficial to your emotional and mental wellbeing. Quilting and sewing can be picked up as a soothing or therapeutic activity too. The joy one feels after creating something with their own hands is boundless. 

Sewing and quilting are considered to have a calming effect on the mind and body, which leads to less stress and anxiety. It is a productive hobby that can be pursued after a day job. Research suggests that it may help in keeping dementia at bay. Many old-age homes ask their residents to indulge in quilting and sewing.

An outlet to express yourself

Quilt art is a creative pursuit that you can have to express your inner-self. Whether it is home décor items or fabric for your loved ones, the possibilities are endless. It is one of the best ways to express and expand your creativity. From selecting the type and pattern of the fabric to sketching out what you want to create, sewing it, and putting the final touches on every aspect, the whole process of quilt art is just wholesome. And the happiness to show off your creation adds more fun to the whole activity. 

Will keep the doctor away

As the stress decreases and the sense of accomplishment rises, the brain releases some happiness hormones and feelings. This will reduce the possibility of stroke or heart attack. Quilting is good for blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. Hence, it is the perfect second career choice for middle-aged and older people who want to enjoy their life and have financial freedom.

Builds Community

Friendship and community are essential for the social animal in us. Hobbies like sewing and quilting can help build communities and groups of like-minded people pursuing a common goal.

These communities can help each other with new tricks and tips, and can indulge in learning new things together. The community can also look for projects that can help them incentivize their hobbies. The work of these communities and their creations can be presented on various platforms.

Financial Independence

Quilt art is always in demand, and skills of quilting and sewing can also be used to create a variety of fabrics. From home décor to winter wear, and once you have mastered the skills, you can easily monetize it.

Create something new and unique, take it online, present it on various platforms, start with offline as well as online marketing and start selling it. If you are good at it, it can easily earn you good money. You can start it as a side hustle. With time, if you see a future in it, invest all your time and hard work in it, it can prove to be a successful venture.

How to start with it

Quilting is not very difficult to start with; you can start even if you know the basics. You can learn the basics from my family members if anyone is into it. You can even learn from the experts through various online quilting courses. Take some time off from your daily schedule, decide your goal, as in do you want to learn just as a hobby, or you wish to monetize it. Based on that, buy materials, start from basic, as suggested earlier, enroll in online workshops. Practice daily, enjoy what you are doing, take your time to learn the skills and keep reinventing your skills.


There is no doubt that sewing and quilting have many benefits that can help any individual restart and reinvent their life. With very little investment, a person can even start a new career which helps them express their creativity in the best possible way. And being surrounded by so many colors, fabrics, materials, and a strong group of friends can be a mood booster for any. The joy of seeing an end product after a lot of hard work and patience is unmatched.


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