Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Potential Causes of Your Excessive Thirst


Various factors can determine your level of thirst, such as your physical activity, the weather, spicy food consumption, or how often you drink. Yet, if glasses of water are failing to quench your thirst, it might be a sign of an underlying health issue.

While you might believe it is nothing to worry about, you must never ignore it. Here are the potential causes of your excessive thirst.


Dehydration can be life-threatening. If your body doesn’t receive an adequate number of fluids to function, you will likely experience:

·         Excessive thirst

·         Fatigue

·         Excess urine output

·         Profuse sweating

·         Diarrhea

·         Vomiting

·         Illness

If you fail to hydrate your body effectively, dehydration can lead to kidney or urinary problems, seizures, a low blood volume, heat exhaustion, and much more. Dehydration is a life-threatening issue, which is why you must hydrate your body and seek medical attention if necessary.


Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can cause excessive thirst, which is why you should never ignore this symptom. If your blood sugar levels spike, your kidneys will need to produce extra urine to remove excess glucose, which will make you thirsty. If you often experience excessive thirst and frequent urination, you may have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Other symptoms of diabetes can include:

·         Irritability

·         Fatigue

·         Unexplained weight loss

·         Ketone presence in urine

·         Blurred vision

·         Wounds and cuts with slow healing rates

If you suspect you may have diabetes, book an appointment with a doctor for a blood glucose test. If you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, a doctor can prescribe insulin injections and will recommend frequent blood sugar checks and carbohydrate counting. If you have type 2 diabetes, a doctor will suggest making various lifestyle changes and monitoring your blood sugar levels. Also, they may prescribe insulin, medication, or both.

A diabetes diagnosis is bound to feel scary, but tactics and tools can help you manage the condition. Learn about the various Dario solutions for your health, as it uses evidence-based behavior science with one-to-one coaching to help people manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes.


Anemia can develop following an iron deficiency in your diet, which will lead to a decrease of red blood cells in the body. Excessive thirst is a primary symptom of the health condition, and it is often accompanied by:

·         Fatigue

·         Weakness

·         Pale skin

·         Dizziness

·         Excessive sweating

A blood test can identify if you have developed anemia. If you have, a doctor will likely recommend incorporating more iron-rich foods into your diet and suggest taking iron supplements.


Excessive thirst is one of the most common pregnancy signs. During your first trimester, your blood volume increases and forces the kidneys to produce excess fluid, which leads to frequent urination. As a result, you might feel increasingly thirsty. Also, the likes of morning sickness and nausea can cause dehydration, which will make you feel much thirstier than usual. However, each pregnancy is different, and not all pregnant women will experience the same symptoms.


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