Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Excellent Ways to Improve Your Book Club Meetings


Organizing a book club is, hands down, one of the best ways to keep in touch with some of your closest friends, especially if you all have a common love for reading. After all, one of the most difficult parts of keeping in touch is finding things to talk about, and a book club offers a definitive point for conversation.

Have a Relaxed First Get Together

The key to starting your book club with the right tone is to get together informally for your first meeting. Have everyone bring a little list of some books they love and some books they want to read, and then have a pleasant time planning out how your book club is going to work. This is great because it allows everyone to have input on the operation of the book club and keeps anyone from taking unilateral control of the meetings.

Choose a Short Book

Another great way to keep things relaxed with your book club is to ensure that, at least at first, the books you choose to read are nice and short. This helps to keep the idea of reading from becoming too overwhelming and allows everyone involved to get used to the idea of reading consistently for a club.

Make Sure Everyone is on Board. Another important thing to consider is that you should ensure that everyone in the club is happy with the decision you have made regarding the book you are going to read.

Afternoon Tea

A great way to keep things fun and entertaining while meeting for your book clubs is to incorporate afternoon teas into your book club meetings. After all, who doesn’t love a nice hot drink and a scone as you discuss your favorite parts of the book you are reading.

Think Up Some Talking Points. To make this even more fun, you can look up some interesting talking points to enjoy over your afternoon tea, such as “where did the afternoon tea originate?” or “did you know you are less likely to get a ‘caffeine crash’ when you drink tea” to help break up the conversation and keep things flowing naturally.

Set Reading Checkpoints

Additionally, a great way to ensure that everyone can enjoy the conversations you have about the books you have been reading, you should set little reading checkpoints along the way. By reading up to each checkpoint before your club get-togethers, you can be sure that everyone has read the same amount of the book, and so you can all talk without fear of spoiling anything.

Keep it Relaxed. It would probably be advisable to keep these checkpoints short, as you never know how busy your friends are going to be, and you don’t want to turn reading for your book club into a chore for them.

Make Sure Everyone is Happy

Finally, it’s a good idea to touch base with your club members every now and again to ensure that they are all enjoying the book club and that they don’t have any gripes or issues with how things are going. After all, the idea of the club is that you all enjoy yourselves together.


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