Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Re-Created for Faith Epic Book Launch: Spotlight + Excerpt


About the Book

Book: Re-Created for Faith

Author: Ashley K. Adams

Genre: Christian Nonfiction: Inspirational

Release date: March 9, 2022 (eBook)

Re-Created for Faith is the story of Carston Ford Adams and how the spiritual and physical world collided for his existence. When all the voices were crying out “death,” his mother believed for more. There had to be a purpose for these obstacles in her son’s life, but what? How could Ashley triumph over what was sealed for his fate? She was about to find out.

Through intense devotion to God’s word and prayer every day, God gave Ashley a fresh faith and supernatural strength to relentlessly pursue saving Carston’s life. This fight was not merely material but spiritual, a battle between forces of life and death. The hospital room became her training ground of righteousness as God taught her how to use the weapons He has given every believer to fight an enemy only interested in our destruction. Refusing to give up, Ashley experienced many breakthroughs-signs, visions, and answers for some of the biggest decisions she would ever have to make. Miracle after miracle pointed directly to the only One who could truly heal, which may have baffled the experts but spurred her on to keep fighting.

Re-Created for Faith shows what is possible when one mother refuses to back down to the enemy and how to anchor these strategies in everyday life to advance in our battles. When we go beyond belief to action, believing God for a victory regardless of the visible, miracles really do occur, and God’s glory is revealed…big time.

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)


 Do you agree with the long-term effects and outcomes of life with these machines?

Do you mind if your baby has a feeding tube, possibly forever?

Are you fully aware that not every complication and disability can be predicted with Trisomy 18, that by not choosing comfort care, we are deciding to pursue the unknown full of risks?

Would you further consider a DNR order?

As resuscitating a patient with many complications can bring them back in worse condition, would you like a chaplain on staff to seek counsel before and after birth?


 And lastly,


Would you like a bereavement photographer at the birth?


Yes, they said bereavement, as though they were already planning for our baby to die. It was so tough hearing this. The meeting came to an end with the reminder that if Carston was still breach one month before delivery, a C-section would be scheduled at my next appointment, September 1.

“There are many possible risks with a C-section, a lot could go wrong but most likely wouldn’t,” an OB said, which gave me so much reassurance—ugh, not. Satan was surely trying to defeat me with the fact that something unpredictable was bound to happen, which I knew, but that meeting put a magnifying glass on it all. Those couple hours were tough to endure, but surprisingly, we ended the meeting with every head bowed in prayer as Carston’s life hung in the balance.





 Excerpt One: https://janemouttet.wordpress.com/2022/02/18/epic-book-launch-re-created-for-faith/




Ashley Adams is an inspirational writer, who actively journals God’s voice and direction He has for her every day. Re-Created for Faith is the birthplace of her ministry. She blindly trusts in God for the next big steps to expand the Kingdom, faithfully using her social media platforms to encourage people through real-life heartache and God’s plan for it. Ashley lives to see souls saved, serving as a board member and director at Scioto Youth Camp: Reaching Kids for Christ, along with hosting Bible studies in her home for women of the community.

Ashely and her husband, Justin, now have four children, including their newest baby boy. They recently made a big move out of town and into the country. They now reside on what used to be her great-grandfather’s farm of over one hundred acres and are building a new home, excited for what the future holds. Ashley is determined to obey the Lord as He guides, raising tiny disciples through her homeschooling and pressing in on aspirations to adopt more children. Ashley’s faith has been tried by fire, yet she experiences God’s blessings ten-fold.

To read original posts from Carston’s battle, search #prayersforcartson on Facebook. For current updates and encouragement through life, follow Ashley on Facebook and Instagram @ashleyadams4faith.


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