Friday, February 18, 2022

The Adoption Surprise Blog Tour: Spotlight + Giveaway


The Adoption Surprise JustRead blog tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for The Adoption Surprise by Zoey Marie Jackson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


The Adoption Surprise
Title: The Adoption Surprise 
Author: Zoey Marie Jackson 
Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired 
Release Date: February 22, 2022 
Genre: Contemporary Romance (Sweet/Clean) 

Separated at birth and determined to become a family. 

“She looks like me!” When her orphaned niece utters those words, Kelsey Harris is shocked—not only that Morgan has a long-lost twin but that the grieving five-year-old spoke at all. Overjoyed by Morgan and Mia’s instant connection, Kelsey and Zach Johnson, Mia’s widowed adoptive father, agree to be friends—and only friends. But can they ignore their growing feelings when the matchmaking sisters put their plan into action? From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookDepository | IndieBound | ChristianBook | BookBub


Zoey Marie Jackson

Zoey Marie Jackson loves writing sweet romances. She is almost never without a book and reads across genres. Originally from Jamaica, West Indies, she has earned degrees from New York University, SUNY at Stony Brook, Teachers College Columbia University and Argosy University and has been an educator for over 20 years. Zoey loves interacting with her readers. You can connect with her at

CONNECT WITH ZOEY: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Book Excerpt


If he could sum up his actions right now, that’s the word Zach would use. Here he was, pressed against the wall outside Mia’s room to keep from being spotted, and eavesdropping on his daughter and Morgan’s conversation.

“I wish Ms. Kelsey could be my new mommy,” Mia had said.

Those nine words made him question his parenting and his decision to remain single and left him with his heart hammering in his chest. That’s what he got for listening in on their conversation.

Zach had placed the laundry basket down and was now waiting for Morgan’s answer. He had to remain quiet so he could hear her much softer tone.

In his defense, he had been about to saunter in with Mia’s folded laundry when he heard the words that made his legs feel wooden. He had picked up the girls from camp, made them wash their hands and sent them both upstairs to change into leotards for gymnastics. Mia had returned home with holes in her tights, stains on her leotard and a shredded tutu. And her hair. Her hair. The braids had unraveled, leaving it all askew. Camp life must be rougher than he thought. But then, Morgan still looked presentable, so it must be Mia. His baby played rough.

“But she’s already my auntie,” came the quiet reply.

He placed a hand over his mouth to cover his chuckle. He wished he had brought his phone with him to record this conversation. Kelsey would have enjoyed hearing Morgan speak at least five words.

“I know, but if she married my daddy, then we would be together.”

On second thought, perhaps it was a good thing he wasn’t recording this. He didn’t know how Kelsey would react.

“I want us to be together,” Morgan breathed out.

“Then tell Ms. Kelsey to marry Daddy,” Mia said, before using one of Zach’s expressions. “It’s that simple.”

What a little smarty-pants! Zach’s eyes went wide. If she weren’t plotting his future, he would have been delighted at her tactics. He had a future attorney on his hands.

“I—I don’t want to do that,” Morgan said. He heard the sound of drawers being opened and closed.

He pumped his fists. Morgan might be quiet, but she was no pushover. His daughter, however, was persistent.

“You’ve got to. I know you don’t like to talk, but how else will Ms. Kelsey and Daddy know that we want to live in the same house? Didn’t you say you want us wearing our hair the same and wearing the same clothes?”

“Y-yes,” Morgan said, sounding uncertain.

“So you have to do it,” she pleaded.

“But what if she don’t like him?”

He furrowed his brow. Morgan’s perceptive question amazed him.

“Everybody likes my daddy,” Mia shot back.

Zach decided it was time to end this matchmaking session. He whistled loud enough so they could hear, picked up the basket and entered the room.

“Look, Daddy, we’re putting on our clothes.” Mia held up the leotards and smiled such an innocent smile that if he hadn’t heard her blatant manipulation, he would have been charmed.

Biting the inside of his cheek, Zach nodded. He placed the pink basket near her bed. Mia would put away her clothes in their respective drawers and return the basket to the laundry room, as he had taught her. “Okay. Hurry up and get dressed. You don’t want us to be late for your first gymnastics class. Ms. Kelsey is coming to meet us.”

Excerpted from The Adoption Surprise by Zoey Marie Jackson, Copyright © 2022 by Zoey Marie Jackson Published by Harlequin Love Inspired 


(1) winner will receive a $50 Amazon Gift card!

The Adoption Surprise JustRead Giveaway

Be sure to check out each stop on the tour for more chances to win. Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight February 14, 2022 and lasts through 11:59 PM EST on February 21, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours 

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. I like the excerpt. Sounds like a lovely story!

  2. I enjoyed the excerpt, thanks for sharing

  3. Great excerpt, The Adoption Surprise sounds like a wonderful read and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have an excellent weekend!

  4. Thank you for being part of the JustRead Publicity Tour blog tour for "The Adoption Surprise" by Zoey Marie Jackson.

    Enjoyed reading the excerpt and would love to read this great sounding book.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24