Friday, May 20, 2022

Monthly Bible Crafts Delivered Right To Your Mailbox: A Kids Faith Krate June Box Review + Coupon Code #kidsfaithkrate #disciplechildren #raisethemup #kidsbiblestudy #subscriptionbox @kidsfaithkrate

**I received a complimentary box for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

How do you continue your child's love for the Bible beyond Sunday school?

Have you ever found yourself asking this question? As a mom, I feel like one of the greatest things that I can do is to teach my children to love God... and while taking them to Sunday school and church are certainly a great part of that, I don't want it to end there. I want to make sure we are encouraging that relationship in the home too.

So, how do we do that?

My daughter loves doing crafts, as most kids do at her age! So, when I first heard about Kids Faith Krate, I knew it would be just up her alley. I was thrilled to b given a chance to get a June Camp in a Box to try out and share. 

What exactly is Kids Faith Krate?

It is a subscription box for kids created by parents and church leaders that helps grow that love of Bible learning through lessons and crafts. Each box includes four weekly Bible lessons, four crafts to go along with each week's lessons and new stamp every month to add to your Stamp Collection for scripture memorization. 

Right away, my daughter absolutely couldn't wait to dig in. As I said, kids love crafts and they truly can help bring lessons to life in a way that is fun for them. Aside from that, kids tend to love surprises too... so getting a package in the mail each month is a treat they can look forward too. 

What I loved about this box is that I found the crafts to be extremely kid and parent friendly both. First of all, the box contained everything we needed to do the crafts, so no need to go out and stock up on more crafting supplies to make them work. The crafts themselves were quite easy to follow along with. Let's be honest, not every parent is going to be the most crafty! We have looked at other kids craft kits that just tend to be a little complicated, but I didn't feel like this was that way at all. They are the kind of simple crafts that kids might see in a Sunday School class, or VBS. They perfectly went along with whatever the lesson was on that particular week. 

The crafts will vary each month of course, but for the June box they were a bread napkin which you dyed with tissue paper squares, a blind man paper craft, a no sew (mini) blanket craft and a baby Jesus paper craft. While the lessons are definitely something that can and should be done with a parent, these crafts can be done by kids with minimal assistance. 

Overall, I found that my daughter has really enjoyed this so far, and has already asked for the next month's box too! 

Ready to try Kids Faith Krate for your child? You can purchase here: Use code campinabox for $10 off the June box!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24