Monday, June 27, 2022

Elysium Tide by James R. Hannibal: Book Review

 **I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

Dr. Peter Chesterfield is one of the Royal London Hospital's top neurosurgeons. He is also a workaholic, ordered by his boss to take a week off to attend a medical symposium at the luxurious Elysium Grand on the island of Maui. While there, Peter pulls a woman with a skull fracture from the water. Though he is able to revive her in the ambulance, she eventually dies in his arms, leaving him with only one clue to what happened to her: the word "honu."

Increasingly obsessed with discovering the cause of his patient's death, Peter becomes entangled in an ongoing investigation of a brazen luxury auto theft. He also becomes a source of deep irritation to detective Lisa Kealoha, who has jurisdiction over the case.
But when the two join forces, they begin to uncover a destructive plot that runs far deeper than either of them could have imagined. And if they're not careful, they're both going to end up dead.

Award-winning author James R. Hannibal whisks you away to the deadly beauty of Hawaii for a story of greed, violence, and justice that will leave you breathless.

James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. This former stealth pilot from Houston, Texas, has been shot at, locked up with surface-to-air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is a three-time Silver Falchion Award winner for his children's mysteries, and a Carol and Selah Award winner for The Gryphon Heist and Chasing the White Lion. His latest spy thriller is The Paris Betrayal. James is a rare multisense synesthete, meaning all of his senses intersect. He sees and feels sounds and smells, and hears flashes of light. If he tells you the chocolate cake you offered smells blue and sticky, take it as a compliment. Connect with James at

James R. Hannibal is an author who has been a bit hit and miss for me. His talent is undeniable in any of his books, but there have been some in the past that I've read and while the writing was good, I just found I didn't connect with the story as much as I'd have liked. Likewise, there have been some I have truly enjoyed. Elysium Tide was by far a hit for me... and in fact might just be my favorite by this author so far. 

Admittedly, it did take me a little bit to get into this story in the beginning, but I must say I think that was more on my personal state of mind (I was horribly sick at the time I started) than anything else.... because it does start with a bang and only keeps building from there. By the end, I absolutely couldn't put it down and really wasn't ready for the story to end. A lot of that certainly had to do with the characters... they were so unique and I loved that they weren't perfect, and made mistakes in the case throughout... something about that just added a level of authenticity to the story that I appreciated. They were quirky and enjoyable to read about... and with just a bit of romance tossed in too for those of us who enjoy that sort of thing. 

Overall, I thought this was a very good read. Fans of Christian suspense are sure to want to check this one out. 


  1. I have never read any of him books before but this review caught me. I have added it to my wish list and will order next month., My sister would really like this to


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24