Thursday, July 21, 2022

5 Ways That you Can Make Extra Income on the Internet


We all need to generate an income and while most of us have enough to live a reasonably comfortable life, a little more revenue each month is always welcome. As we are living in a digital world, you would expect there to be avenues to generate an income and in this short article, we outline a few ways that you can make some extra cash online.

  1. Life coaching – You may not be aware that there are online life coaches who help their clients with different aspects of their life; thanks to Zoom, we can now offer this kind of counselling to anyone anywhere. Of course, you need to be an excellent communicator and have the wisdom to be able to help people with economic, romantic and social issues. If you have an impressive resume, this does help and marketing might need to be in place. Who knows, you might be so successful and your life will improve, allowing you to purchase comprehensive health insurance at a leading Thai insurance provider.
  2. Teaching English – You might not have ever taught anything in a formal setting but if you are a native English speaker, you can certainly teach Chinese kids to speak English. Search online for an online language teaching academy and enquire about a teaching position, which you can do from your home. You might have to take an online grammar test to prove your English fluency, while the agency will provide full support for new teachers. This is real-time distance learning, so the hours would correspond with the student’s location, which might prove to be unsocial for you.
  3. Web content writing – If you can blog, why not work for a web content agency as a freelance blogger? Writing 500-word articles with carefully placed links is what is expected and rates would be rather low for a newbie; sales copy pays well and like most sectors, you have to start at the bottom. If you have just graduated and are looking for life hacks, click here.
  4. E-Commerce – It would surprise you to learn that millions of people make a good living selling products online and while it is highly competitive, there’s no reason why you can’t join them. Of course, it all depends on what you are selling and with the right digital marketing and a professional-looking e-store, you can carve a share from a global market.
  5. Forex trading – If you are brave enough to trade currencies, it is vital that you do lots of serious research first. We recommend hooking up with an established Forex broker who has the resources to help you become a trader. When you think you are ready to trade, start with an imaginary account, where you are not really trading and if after a few months, you are in the black, switch to real trading.

Wherever you happen to live, your health & well-being is crucial and making some extra money is sure to improve the quality of your life.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24