Friday, July 29, 2022

Hope Beyond the Waves Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway


Hope Beyond the Waves JustRead Blog Tour 

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Hope Beyond the Waves by Heidi Chiavaroli, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Hope Beyond the Waves

Title: Hope Beyond the Waves 
Author: Heidi Chiavaroli
Publisher: Hope Creek Publishers, LLC
Release Date: June 28, 2022
Genre: Christian, Dual Timeline Fiction

From award-winning author Heidi Chiavaroli comes a sweeping dual timeline story that explores hope and enduring love in the midst of the impossible. 

Massachusetts, 1993 

After making a grievous mistake that will change her life forever, Emily Robertson is sent away to live with her grandmother on Cape Cod. When Emily finds a timeworn photograph buried in a drawer, she realizes her grandmother has concealed a secret even bigger than her own. Will convincing Gram to reveal their family history help Emily make the most important decision of her life or will it prove her parents right—that family scandal is better off buried and forgotten? 

Massachusetts, 1916 

Atta Schaeffer plans to marry the man of her dreams and whisk her little sister away from their abusive father. But when she is diagnosed with a dreaded malady, Atta is forced into a life of exile, leaving her sister in harm’s way. 

On Penikese Island, Atta’s best hope lies with Harry Mayhew, a doctor who seeks a cure for his patients at any cost. But when experiments fail, Atta runs from Harry—and from God. Can she return to her sister before it’s too late? Or will her illness consume both her body and soul? 

A testament to faith and love, Hope Beyond the Waves is the raw account of the journey of two generations of women running from desperate situations toward irresistible hope.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookDepository | IndieBound | BookBub


Where Grace Appears Where Hope Begins Where Love Grows Where Memories Await


heidi chiavaroli 

Heidi Chiavaroli is a writer, runner, and grace-clinger who could spend hours exploring places that whisper of historical secrets. Her debut novel, Freedom's Ring, was a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist, a Romantic Times Top Pick, and a Booklist Top Ten Romance Debut. Heidi makes her home in Massachusetts with her husband and two sons.

Connect with Heidi by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.


The Long Road to Publication: Journey to Publication/Encouragement to Aspiring Writers
Heidi Chiavaroli


  Sixteen years ago, I first felt the desire to write stories. I had just given birth to my second child, and with an active toddler on my hands, I snatched what precious minutes of writing I could during naptimes. Fearful of looking foolish, I didn’t tell anyone—not even my husband about my endeavor. But each time my children went in their cribs, I’d take out the big old laptop—or more often than not, real pen and lined paper! —and write.

     When my first contest scores came back—along with a no-response to my first agent-targeted query—I went into a writing depression. It was four months before I looked at my story again. But God kept pulling me back. The simple fact of the matter was, I couldn’t imagine not writing. I found a critique group, continued to learn the craft, suffered all manner of rejections, and eight years later, in 2014, I actually won the Historical Category of the Genesis contest (the same contest that had depressed me for so many months eight years before). This contest helped me land a top-notch agent.

[*Fun Fact—the manuscript that won the contest finally released this month—in 2022!*]

     Honestly, at this point, I assumed I was on my way. But as my agent submitted my most recent novel to publishers at the beginning of 2015, rejections started rolling in. With doubts nipping at those typing fingers, I started Manuscript #6. By now, I had probably put as many hours into my writing career as a person pursuing their Master’s Degree put into their total college education. I refused to see those hours go to waste. Something must simply come from them.

   When my agent read Manuscript #6, she was enthusiastic about the story. But that first draft had some problems. She gave me a month to make the changes. I woke up at 4AM to write, homeschooled my kids during the day, and fell asleep before poor Hubby (who was working fervently to finish our major house renovation) had even gotten into the shower.

     My poor family…I’m not sure I fed them as I worked to finish the book. Thankfully, we stayed at my parents’ for a week while our floors were getting done. My mom made sure my family didn’t starve!

     I submitted the story, and waited. Meanwhile, I got a part-time night job at the garden center of Walmart. This would enable me to be around to school my children during the day.

     Fortunately, this time, the wait wasn’t long. My agent liked the story and started submitting it to editors right away. I will never forget the night my husband and two boys surprised me by coming into the garden center where I worked. I put down my leaky hose, wiped my hands on my super-attractive blue smock, and hugged them. When my husband told me my agent had left a message on the home phone with news of a contract offer, I almost fainted and fell into the petunias. Really.

        A few weeks later, I signed a two-book contract with my all-time dream publishing house.

       My dear friends who feel this crazy pull to write...if you are discouraged or wonder if this dream will ever happen for you, hold fast. Some make it look easy. But for some of us, God has a different timetable, a different plan. Persevere. Throw yourself into the arms of Jesus. And run that race.




(1) winner will receive a Handmade French Market Seagrass Bag, hardcover copy of Hope Beyond the Waves, and Ocean-Lover Bookmark!

Hope Beyond the Waves JustRead Giveaway 

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight July 25, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on August 1, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours 

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. I love the way this one sounds. Have a great Friday!

  2. Sounds like a great book. I can't wait to read it.

  3. Thank you so much for having me on your beautiful blog!

  4. Sounds like my kind of book.

  5. thanks so much for sharing such a great post!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24