Friday, July 15, 2022

What to do if the use of a defective product causes the death of a family member?

 No consumer expects to suffer injuries while using a product. However, many things in a household can cause harm to inmates. There could be any defective item, starting from kitchenware to plumbing material. Unfortunately, the product defect can also lead to a family member's death. It has been seen in places like Atlanta, Augusta, and other parts of the world. Customers around the world are prone to getting defective products. 


So, if you or somebody you know has lost a loved one due to defective products, you are on the right page. Here, we mention what you can do in such wrongful death cases. 


What are the common types of product defects that can cause a wrongful death? 

A household has many products that can cause fatal injuries to inmates. There are three major types of defects:

● Manufacturing defect: The manufacturing company is at fault if the product has incorrectly attached parts, issues in an electrical circuit, improper installation of bolts and fasteners, etc. 
● Marketing defect: When the company fails to attach safety guidelines for consumers on the products, such as user instructions, warning labels, false claims, etc. 
● Design and installation defect: It is when the product design has problems such as choking hazards in children's toys, helmets that break with a small impact, etc. Many items like faucets and taps are often not installed properly, which can cause harm to house-mates. 


What should you do if you or somebody you know loses a family member because of a product defect? 


Losing a loved one is never easy. However, the law has remedies for every individual who may suffer loss because of somebody else's negligence. According to an expert atlanta wrongful death attorney, you can entail compensation from the responsible party if you lose a family member because of a defective product. You have two years to file the claim from the date of the incident. 


How does filing a claim help the survivors? 


No effort can bring back the loved one, yet, filing a claim with the support of a trusted and respected law firm can help get compensation for the monetary losses. Your attorney will help you understand how the law provides financial compensation for losses. The other things that the attorneys include when calculating the compensation amount are: 

● Lost wages
● Loss of consortium 
● Lost incomes
● Medical expenses of the deceased
● Pain and suffering and more. 


In some cases, the court may also choose to reward the plaintiff with punitive damages. In such cases, the liable party will pay above and on top of the compensatory charges. Attorneys suggest that everyone should file a compensation case against the responsible parties. It will help save many people from suffering because of the wrong products. 


Final words 

Many companies care about their profit more than consumer safety. Thus, they manufacture defective and low-quality products. When consumers buy these items, they may suffer fatal injuries. We understand that it is hard to get over the loss of a family member. However, in such cases, we'd recommend filing a claim against the liable party to ensure that the product quality improves and that no more people suffer similar losses.


  1. What a sad thing to happen. My brother-in-law won the wrongful death in the Talcum Powder lawsuit. My sister got ovarian cancer from the powder. She died several years ago. She always used powder. That was a sad time for our family.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24