Saturday, November 19, 2022

Invincible Joy: A Book Review + Enter to Win #invinciblejoy #oliverasher #advancingnativemissions #joy

** Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

About the Book:

"I'm not an extraordinary person. I came from next to nothing, from almost nowhere. But God had a plan and a purpose for my life. He picked me up from where I was and took me places I could never have expected to go. He invited me to join him in chasing his God-sized dreams for the world. And that is where I found invincible joy. You may have the same story. Or at least you can, and I hope you will. That's what this book is for. I pray you will benefit from my story as you follow the Lord on your own adventure from where you came to where he wants to take you. I believe, as the Lord leads, you will end up with a stronger sense of God's purpose for your life and your place in his plan for the world. That's where you can find invincible joy too."

About the Author: 

Oliver came out of deep poverty and brokenness to become a Division I scholarship athlete, an engineer, and the leader of a nonprofit organization working in more than 100 countries. Above all, he rejoices in God's grace and in the beautiful gift of his growing family. His goal is to encourage and equip others with wisdom so they can pursue God, chase God's dreams for their life, and discover Invincible Joy.

My Thoughts

Life is always easy, isn't it? 

Oh, wait...

That's not quite right is it? The reality is that sometimes life is really, really hard. So many of us face hardships during one point in our life or another. For some of us, it is not just one thing, but many hardships that hit all at once. In the midst of hard times, it can be hard to hold onto our faith and our joy. It can be hard to remember that God has such great plans for each and every one of us... regardless of where we come from or the hard times that we go through.

Invincible Joy is just a beautiful reminder of just that! 

The author of this book- Oliver L. Asher- didn't come from a life of means. He didn't have an easy, cushy life that was handed down to him. Reading his story, he certainly had every reason to be less than joyful... but what he also had was a God that was always there... and a God who had something much greater in store for him. 

I think this story is a reminder that we all need from time to time. From meager beginnings to president of Advancing Native Missions-a global missions organization spreading God's word- God can do absolutely anything with each and every one of us and we can live a life of Invincible Joy. 

You can learn more about Oliver Asher and connect at the links below:

and learn more about Oliver's organization- Advancing Native Missions here:

Ready to purchase a copy for yourself? It is available on Amazon:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24