Tuesday, November 15, 2022

See the Good by Zach Windahl: Book Review

  *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

Do you think the world is getting better or worse?

Is it becoming easier or harder to be a Christian?

So many of us fear where things are headed in the culture, the church, and our own lives. But did you know the world is getting 
better in countless ways? (No, that is not a typo!) What could change if we focused on the good?

After almost losing his mother to cancer and wrestling with his own faith, Zach Windahl learned to take whatever life threw at him and chose to be joyful. With vibrant and inspiring storytelling, 
See the Good will show you not only how but why you should focus on the positive and see the extraordinary in everything around you.

Life is hard--there's no denying that. But choosing to put our focus on the good leads to the profound benefits that come from seeing life as an amazing gift from the One who loves us best.

Author and entrepreneur Zach Windahl (www.zachwindahl.com) has helped hundreds of thousands of people better understand the Bible and grow closer to God. He's the author of several books, including The Bible StudyThe Best Season Planner, and Launch with God. Zach lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with his wife, Gisela, and their dog, Nyla.

When I see books such as this one, I must admit that my first instinct is that of apprehension. Don't get me wrong, I love a good positive message. I try to surround myself with as much positivity and to look at the bright side of things as much as possible. I very much try to see the good, even when on the surface things aren't always so good. Just he message that this book is telling. 

I am also someone who struggles with mental illnesses to include anxiety and depression. When someone is dealing with a true mental illness, telling them to just think positive is kind of like putting a band aid on a broken bone... it's just really not going to help so much... and in fact that idea can be very dangerous. I think before reading something like this, it's important to note that there is a difference in those that have these illnesses, and those who just feel a little down or anxious at times. 

In this book, the author doesn't just tell us that it's important to look for the good, but the whys as well. There is a good mix of personal stories and experiences as well as scripture as well. The style is very much down to earth and easy to follow and understand. I rather enjoyed the occasional handwritten notes and doodles seen throughout as well. While I cannot say as I agree 100% with everything in the book, I think there are definitely some good things to be learned from reading it as well. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24