Thursday, December 1, 2022

How to Enable Young People with Mental Health Issues into Positive Career Habits

 Mental health struggles can appear at any age, yet young people face significant barriers to mental well-being in the context of paving their career paths. Battle with depression or anxiety at a young age shapes your development, and therefore your choices further down the line. Instead of failing these young people and leaving them to fend for themselves on the by-lines, businesses, teachers, mentors, caregivers, and peers should focus instead on resilience tools and engagement strategies to counteract the negative impact before it derails a trajectory. This guide focuses on how to encourage positive career habits and choices in young people that suffer from mental health issues.

Resilience Training for Business

When looking at the question of how to be more resilient, businesses, educational establishments, and caregivers must go beyond the limits of normal responses. They must find a holistic approach to their methodology and encompass resilience tools for every stage of the journey. There is no one size fits all cure that flips a magic switch and inspires someone to be resilient. Resilience is an accumulative acquisition that encompasses a range of growth areas.

Young people facing mental health challenges are bound to lack the level of resilience that their peers growing up without these struggles have within. That is not to say that they are less viable candidates, because a lack of resilience does not reflect the strength of the mind or the soul. Instead, resilience training highlights to staff the dangers of mental burnout and teaches preventative, nurturing tools to facilitate meditative regeneration and how to cope better with pressure and stress.

Promote Healthy Habits

There is a lot of work around mental health that shows how everything intertwines to dictate how a person feels. Healthy habits are a big part of this. Promote health campaigns in the workspace, school zones, and at home so the importance of eating right, exercising, and nurturing positive sleep habits is a constant narrative.

Teach Boundaries

When the mind feels tired, it is often harder to maintain positive boundaries. Reinforcing clear boundaries in other areas is a great teaching tool for anyone looking after young people with mental health concerns. As soon as the flags start showing, lay the gentle groundwork and be consistent with practices. Showing someone how to set their own boundaries at a pivotal age is empowering for three core reasons.

1.       It enables them to project this into their career and not fall into the trap of people pleasing.

2.       It helps them to navigate difficult conflicts without sacrificing their own needs to their detriment.

3.       Boundaries are brilliant tools for recognising pre-burnout stress levels and are a positive kick into taking action.

Encourage Empowerment

Engagement is only possible when a person feels empowered. Navigating mental health in youth is a natural barrier to fully engaging with career decisions and more. Therefore, helping young people to feel empowered by their decisions and choices is a great rapport to establish.

Encouraging positive career habits in young people with mental health issues starts at the beginning. Empowerment, positive dialogues, and engagement strategies are three clear paths to take. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24