Monday, December 5, 2022

How to Plan a Luxury Wedding in 5 Simple Steps

 Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, so understandably you want it to be an occasion that everyone will remember for many years to come. 

Whether you are on a tight budget or have painstakingly saved up to splash out on your special day, planning a luxury wedding does not have to be hard work.

Read on to discover how you can plan a luxury wedding in five simple steps and guarantee to wow all your family and friends. 

Step 1: Plan early 

The earlier you can start planning your wedding day, the better. Not only will this allow you to source the best suppliers and venue, but it can also help to significantly cut the cost of planning your big day. 

Ideally, you want to start planning your wedding at least six months before and even further in advance if you can. This can allow you time to source the accessories, get dress fittings done on time, find beautiful diamond rings for the ceremony and ensure your guests are able to make the big day.

Step 2: Choose the perfect venue 

One of the most important aspects of your wedding day is to make sure that you put a lot of time and effort into picking your perfect venue. 

Depending on the time of year you plan to get married, you may prefer to go for an outdoor venue, or you might choose to plan a destination wedding

Again, the earlier that you decide upon and secure your venue, the more choice you will have and the more likely you are to be able to negotiate a good price. 

Step 3: Splurge on a wedding photographer 

Your wedding photos are something you will treasure for your entire life, so this is definitely not an element of your wedding that you want to scrimp on. 

When it comes to professional wedding photography, you want to find a wedding photographer with experience in your preferred style of photography. For example, do you want traditional photographs, or would you like more relaxed and spontaneous shots? 

Step 4: Fake it with flowers 

If you are trying to cut down on the cost of your luxury wedding or you are already well over budget, then opting for fake rather than fresh flowers is a good idea. 

While many couples want an abundance of freshly cut flowers at their wedding, this can be incredibly expensive. Fake flowers, on the other hand, are much more affordable, and you can find ones that are so realistic that you will be pushed to differentiate them from their fresh counterparts. 

Step 5: Negotiate with everyone

Have you heard of the saying “if you don’t ask, you don’t get”? From your wedding dress to the caterers, the table decorations to the band, there is no reason why you can’t ask all your suppliers and entertainers for a discounted rate. This is particularly true if you are planning a wedding at a less popular time of year when people are less likely to be busy and more willing to offer a lower price. 

That being said, you don’t want to go in too low as this may offend and can result in you getting an inferior service or product. What’s more, asking for any discounts should always be done respectfully and politely.


Planning a luxury wedding can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be as stressful and difficult as it may seem. With proper advance planning and taking on board the above tips, your dream luxe wedding should go swimmingly, minus all the associated chaos!



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