Monday, March 27, 2023

The Changing Nutritional Needs of the Elderly

 Everyone can benefit from nutrition, exercise and essentially focusing on everything related to living a healthy life. However, different people have different needs, and lifestyle is an obvious factor – but as we age, the types of nutrition that we need is very different.

For older adults and the elderly, nutrition becomes even more of an influential factor than it was when they were younger. With that in mind, continue reading to learn about the changing nutritional needs of the elderly.


Dementia & Proper Nutrition


Scientists and researchers have discovered numerous links between keeping the mind as healthy as possible when it has been afflicted with a memory-based illness (such as dementia), and the vitamins, nutrients and minerals which an individual consumes.

This is just one of the supreme advantages of moving to an esteemed private care home such as renowned, where trained staff put together individual meal plans for each resident, with emphasis on their specific requirements.


Cobalamin / Vitamin B12


First and foremost, an any adult over the age of sixty (and certainly an elderly person) needs to ensure that they are consuming enough foodstuffs with a high Vitamin B12 content.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a wide range of different health issues, all with varying degrees of severity, including stomach and bowel disorders, poor intake, and pernicious anemia.


Folic Acid


One of the most important elements of an older person’s diet which is exceedingly important is that of folic acid.

A deficiency in folic acid can cause persistent diarrhea and (by association) dehydration. It can also lead to anemia. Strong sources of folic acid, at least a couple of which should be included in the daily diet of an elderly person, include:

·         Cereal, Pasta and Bread

·         Seafood

·         Leafy Green Vegetables

·         Chickpeas and Nuts

·         Eggs

Vitamin A


Vitamin A is a crucial vitamin for people of any age, but as you get older, Vitamin A becomes even more vital to ensure healthy eyes and vision.

Often, when a person neglects to eat enough meat and poultry, they tend not to be consuming as high an intake of Vitamin A as they should be, so consuming more foods containing high levels of Vitamin A is certainly a priority.




Finally, perhaps one of the most important nutrients to consume each and every day, especially for elderly people but really for everyone, is iron.

The primary function of iron is to assist in the transportation to tissues of oxygen through the blood, via myoglobin and hemoglobin cells, and the amount of iron the human body stores directly relates to muscle function, brain cognition, and overall immunity.

Important sources of iron include beef, fish, poultry, and pork for vegetarians and vegans and fortified cereals, dried fruits, beans and legumes, and enriched grains. It would also be worth noting that in older adults and the elderly, the level and rate at which their body can absorb iron from the food they eat is often reduced.



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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24