Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Caught by the Cowgirl: Author Guest Post + Enter to Win


Caught by the Cowgirl JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Caught by the Cowgirl by Tanya Agler, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Caught by the Cowgirl

Title: Caught by the Cowgirl
Rodeo Stars of Violet Ridge #1
Tanya Agler
Harlequin Heartwarming
Release Date:
April 25, 2023
Sweet/Clean Contemporary Romance

She’s got a knack…

For roping in hearts 

For rancher Will Sullivan, nothing is more beautiful than a Colorado sunrise…until Kelsea Carruthers shows up at his ranch, wanting to lease his land. But Will has plans for his struggling ranch that don’t include the gorgeous, quirky Southern belle. Now Kelsea is quickly learning how to be a true cowgirl—even as she steals everyone’s hearts. And this gruff, set-in-his-ways cowboy might just be falling the hardest…  

From Harlequin Heartwarming: Wholesome stories of love, compassion and belonging.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

More Books in this Series

About the Author

Tanya Agler

An award-winning author, Tanya Agler makes her home in Georgia with her wonderful husband, their four children, and a lovable rescue beagle. When she’s not writing, Tanya loves classic movies, chocolate, and a good cup of tea.

Connect with Tanya by visiting to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Guest Post

Getting to Know Kelsea Carruthers: A Violet Ridge Weekly Gazette Exclusive Interview by former Mayor Zelda Baker


ZB: On behalf of the residents of Violet Ridge, I’d like to extend a hearty welcome to you, Kelsea. Thanks for meeting me at the Blue Skies Coffeehouse. What brings you to town?


KC: I’m relieved to finally be here. Did I tell you about my trip?


ZB: What happened?


KC: I recently started working for EverWind, a corporation that leases land for their wind turbines. Between canceled flights, detours and misplaced luggage, I basically arrived with the clothes on my back. Since I was running late for my appointment with Barry Sullivan, I headed straight to the Silver Horseshoe.


ZB: Barry? Don’t you mean Will Sullivan? He’s the owner of the ranch.


KC: It didn’t take me long to find that out! What’s the deal with Will anyway? I watched an interview of him, along with footage of him competing in a rodeo. He seemed charming and sweet, just like his uncle, but when I started talking about my job, Will changed. It was like he dismissed me without giving me a chance. Still, there’s something about Will….


(A minute later) ZB: What were you going to say about Will?


KC: Well, sure, he’s the breathing epitome of a brooding, handsome cowboy, but what’s he like underneath the surface?


ZB: Shouldn’t Will be the one to tell you?


KC: Well, you see, I really need this job, and the more I can learn about Will, the better. My father, he’s a famous neurosurgeon, pulled some strings with his college roommate since I…


ZB: You’re what?


KC: I’ve had some issues with employers. It’s not my fault I had to quit my job at a seafood restaurant when I found out I’m allergic to cod or that the department store didn’t hire me on after my seasonal job as a window decorator. However, EverWind must believe in me because they gave me Barry’s contact info. And Barry’s so nice. Same as all the cowhands at the ranch. They just loved the cornbread I whipped up using my grandmother’s recipe. She sure was a good cook. Of course, Will was hesitant to try my cornbread, but he'll come around. Now, what were you were going to tell me about Will?


ZB: He’s had a rough year, but I think he ought to be the one to tell you about it.


KC: Hmm. I like that you’re protective of him. That says a lot about the type of man he is. I think underneath his gruff exterior, there’s a heart of gold. Do you know he lent me his coat when I arrived? He was worried I was cold. Isn’t that sweet?


ZB (laughing): I don’t know how Will would feel about you calling his actions sweet.


KC: It doesn’t really matter seeing as Violet Ridge is just a temporary stop. I’ll be moving on to my next sales contact in no time. There’s something about Will, though. I’d like to learn his story and what makes him tick.


ZB: I’ll keep an eye out for what happens between you both.


KC: Oh, nothing’s going to happen except I’m going to prove to Will Sullivan that he needs EverWind in his life.


ZB: I’ll be surprised if that’s the only thing Will needs in his life. This has been quite illuminating. Thank you, Kelsea. I hope you find your stay in Violet Ridge enjoyable.


KC: Thank you, Zelda, and I hope I can make you a batch of my grandmother’s famous red velvet cupcakes before I leave Violet Ridge.


(And now a postscript from Tanya Agler. Thank you so much to A Modern Day Fairy Tale for hosting me today!)

Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of The Sheriff's Second Chance!

Caught by the Cowgirl JustRead giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight April 19, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on April 26, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours


  1. Sounds like a book I will enjoy.

  2. Tanya Agler's books sound like they will capture the readers imaginations and touch their hearts.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. Sounds like a good read.

  4. It sounds charming indeed!


  5. This sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I enjoyed reading this interview, thanks for sharing


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24