Thursday, May 4, 2023

How to Turn a Sunroom Into a Productive Study Area for Your Kids


Sunrooms can serve many purposes, from an extra sitting area, dining area, or a playroom for your kids. As your children get older, they need a designated study area removed from the distractions of other parts of the home, and a sunroom, with its peaceful environment, is the perfect space. Whether you already have a sunroom or are considering adding one, here are some tips for turning your sunroom into a study room.

Begin With a Solid Foundation

Tempted as you may be to begin painting and designing the space, you need to know you are working with a solid foundation. Ensure your roof is in optimal health, as leaks or damage could mean your child's new study room is short-lived. If the roof is older or you are designing a brand-new space, consider using asphalt. A new asphalt roof has an ROI of roughly 62%, meaning you'll be protecting the room and increasing your home's value when it comes time to sell.

Sunrooms tend to be more prone to the elements. On an icy morning, it may be chilly in there, and when it's hot, you might find it's warmer than the rest of the house. Check your insulation in places such as your roof to ensure it is doing its job so the sunroom is pleasant year-round.

Choose Appropriate Lighting

Lighting a sunroom can be tricky. During the day, it should receive a lot of natural light, but in the evenings, you'll need to ensure the space is light enough. Install blinds and shades to control how much light enters the room. You can also add lamps, such as a desk lamp, which could be helpful for reading and writing.

Design an Enriched Space

Once you have the framework, you can focus on the room's design. This room is unique to the others in your home, which are likely designed for relaxation. Your child needs an enriched space, which, according to the University of Exeter, makes people 17% more productive than those in lean areas. Create an immersive room with artwork, plants, books, and educational games to enhance your child's development.

Select Appropriate Furniture

Consider a large table and comfortable chairs, especially if you have more than one child. They'll need space to spread out their books and work on projects, as feeling cramped will induce stress. Their chairs should be comfortable, as they'll likely spend a lot of time in there. Take your child with you to buy chairs, and let them choose one. Involving them in the process will make them more excited about the room.

Transform the Room With Paint

Paint transforms a room and defines its ambiance. Grey walls may make a room feel cold, whereas deep shades of red can feel claustrophobic. You may be tempted to paint it your child's favorite color, but that will likely change over the years. A calming, neutral shade is your best bet and will aid in the desired peaceful aesthetic of the room. You and your child will likely want to spend more time there when you're finished, as 88% of people have more desire to be at home after painting an interior room.

Dedicate the Area to Your Kid's Growth

Once you've finished, you can add bookshelves, a small armchair, and more to encourage your child to read even when they're not studying. This is their area and should be a place dedicated to their growth and enrichment. They'll be excited to work in their space if they're proud of their space.

Designing a study room in your home can be tricky, but a sunroom is an ideal place for your child to do their homework, as it offers natural light and a glimpse into the outside, encouraging your child's curiosity and understanding of the world around them.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24