Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Duke and the Lady Gardner: Author Guest Post + Giveaway


The Duke and the Lady Gardener JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for The Duke and the Lady Gardener by Alissa Baxter, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

The Duke and the Lady Gardener

Title: The Duke and the Lady Gardener
Series: The Grantham Girls #1
Author: Alissa Baxter
Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing
Release Date
: May 2, 2023
: Regency/Historical Romance (sweet, wholesome)

Love blossoms for a Lady Gardener when she robs a Duke. . . and then steals his heart.

Alexandra Grantham becomes Lady Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to provide for the local farm workers in the district. However, when her new neighbor, Mr. Robert Chanderly, unmasks her, Alexandra cannot hide her horror as he has it within his power to ruin her reputation. But, instead of blighting her social chances when they arrive in London, Robert decides to bring Alexandra into high fashion, and she effectively takes the ton by storm.  
Enemies abound in the Capital, however, causing trouble for Alexandra at every turn. So when an adversary threatens to reveal Alexandra’s dangerous secret, Robert must do everything within his power to defend the honor of the woman he loves—or lose the only lady he’s ever wished to make his wife.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

Also Available


About the Author

Alissa Baxter

Alissa Baxter wrote her first Regency romance during her long university holidays. After travelling the world, she settled down to write her second Regency novel, which was inspired by her time living on a country estate in England. Alissa then published two chick lit novels, The Truth About Clicking Send and Receive(previously published as Send and Receive) and The Truth About Cats and Bees (previously published as The Blog Affair).

Many years later, Alissa returned to her favorite era. She writes Regency romances that feature women in trend-setting roles who fall in love with men who embrace their trailblazing ways… at least eventually. Alissa currently lives in Johannesburg with her husband and two sons.

Connect with Alissa by visiting alissabaxter.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.

Author Guest Post

A Journal Entry from Alexandra

Today I had the most disconcerting experience. I held up a carriage, and the gentleman inside knocked the pistol out of my hands. It fell into the hedgerow, and was left staring into the barrel of his gun. Fortunately, I escaped without being shot, and Ben followed me.

We rode across the countryside and stopped at a secluded copsebeside a carriage we had concealed amongst the bushes. I changed into my gown while Ben harnessed the horses. He told me then that our escape had been too narrow this time and that John would be furious if he discovered his coachman aided mein my highway endeavors. But I told Ben not to fuss. I admit our plans went slightly awry today, but Lady Luck smiled on us—as she always does. 

But Lady Luck must have a slightly perverse sense of humorbecause guess what happened when we joined the road again? We came upon the very man I had attempted to hold up! We came around a bend in the road, and there was his carriage. It stopped, blocking our way, and a groom jumped down to open the door.

The gentleman emerged from his coach and engaged me in conversation. He’s very tall, well over six feet, but his face, although handsome, is thoroughly disagreeable. I must have stared at him for quite some time because he asked me if he passed muster. And I said the very first thing that came into myhead. I told him that I have never considered dark-haired men to be particularly attractive! Aunt Eliza would be mortified if she knew that. Anyway, the gentleman laughed, looked at my hair, and informed me that he’d noticed that red-headed young ladies can be uncommonly impertinent.

I let him know that it was disconcerting to have been forced to stop my carriage by a complete stranger. Indeed, given the fact that we found ourselves alone on a deserted country road, I told him that I considered my natural wariness toward him asimperative, not impertinent!

He smiled most annoyingly and introduced himself as Robert Chanderly. He then escorted me home as he was concerned about the highwaymen at work in the area.

I came up with the idea of playing at being Robin Hood several months ago when the vicar’s wife, Mrs. Simpson, informed me of the terrible conditions many of their parishioners live in. I sought out my brother, John, and asked him to sponsor some food baskets for the poor. He was happy to oblige me in this, but I soon realized that our indigent neighbors needed more than just food to survive. They also needed other material provisions. 

I decided, therefore, that justice would be best served if the funds the poor needed could be obtained from the very people failing to look after them—the privileged classes. I enlisted Ben’s help, and so began our series of highway robberies. Our exploits have inspired fear in the hearts of all the local gentry and nobility. Well, nearly all of them. Mr. Chanderly didn’t lookafraid or concerned, only somewhat displeased! 

I need to go downstairs for dinner now. . . I shall finish writingabout today’s adventures later.


Tour Giveaway

(1) winner will receive a $30 Amazon gift card!

The Duke and the Lady Gardener JustRead Tours giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 2, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 9, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US Amazon accounts only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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JustRead Publicity Tours


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my book on your blog!

  2. I loved Alissa Baxter's book series "The Linfield Ladies".

  3. Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.

  4. fun post! thanks for being on the tour :)

  5. This sounds like a great book! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Sounds like a good read.

  7. A Lady Robinhood doing highway robberies, what could go wrong. This story looks like a fun romp through Regency.

  8. Randi, Thank you for hosting. Alissa Baxter is a new-to-me author.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24