Saturday, June 24, 2023

How To Upgrade Your Summer Style On A Budget

 Whether you’re a lover of long, floaty dresses or bright and bold colors, there’s no denying that the summer season is one of the best when it comes to putting together eye-catching outfits. After all, you don’t have to cover up a gorgeous item with layers upon layers of clothing to stay warm! 

However, while having an unlimited fashion budget is the thing that dreams are made of (and could give you a chance to shop til you drop), this isn’t a reality for many people. In fact, “almost 2 in 5 adults have been forced to reduce or stop spending on clothes in the last six months.” 

Photo by Huy Nguyen on Unsplash

Fortunately, however, there are plenty of ways to upgrade your summer style while sticking to a budget - and here are some top tips you can use to do exactly that! 

Decide your budget.

It's impossible to stay within the budget if you don’t know what your budget is, to begin with. Therefore, before you head out in search of a new summer style, take a quick look at your finances to determine how much you can actually spend without putting yourself in a tough situation further down the line. 

Of course, it's important to remember that there are plenty of ways to save money and preserve your budget, such as scouring the web for discount codes! 

Shop second-hand.

Shopping secondhand is perhaps the easiest way to upgrade your wardrobe without breaking the bank, as people often sell their old clothes for a fraction of the original price, even though they’re still in excellent condition. As such, be sure to check out your local charity or second-hand stores when upgrading your wardrobe or online sites such as Depop. 

On a similar note, you could also sell clothes you no longer wear to fund your next shopping trip. This could also help you to declutter your home and free up some much-needed space in your closet! 

Shop online.

Shopping online for everything from clothing to make-up is another great way to ensure you stick to your budget when upgrading your summer style. After all, it often means you can gain access to exclusive prices and discount codes that would not be available in-store. Furthermore, this doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your favorite luxury brands either, as you can now buy products from companies such as clinique online.

Create a capsule wardrobe.

Instead of revamping your entire wardrobe, focus on buying a few pieces that can be rotated to create a wide range of outfits. This is known as a capsule wardrobe, and it's a great way to look stylish all year round without breaking the bank. Furthermore, when you create a capsule wardrobe, you’re also becoming a more sustainable shopper as you aren’t buying too many products or contributing to fast-fashion nightmares. 

Indulge in one stand-out item.

While remaining within budget is always a priority, if you’re looking to have fun with your fashion, you should indulge in at least one stand-out item that you’ll know you get a lot of use out of. In these cases, it's often worth spending a little more as you know the quality of the product means it’ll stand the test of time. Furthermore, if you select a versatile item, such as a little black dress, it can be paired with a range of different accessories or makeup looks, meaning you can wear it as often as you like. 

Make a statement with accessories.

Upgrading your style does not necessarily mean you have to change up your entire wardrobe. In fact, you may be able to achieve the style elevation you are looking for through accessories - as the best outfits are those where the wearer has paid attention to even the smallest details. Again, there are plenty of ways in which you can cut down on the cost of accessories, such as by buying from smaller, independent sellers on sites such as Etsy or local craft markets. Not only is this a lot cheaper than shopping at major retailers, the pieces sold here are often hand-crafted, making them entirely unique! 

Experiment with your makeup.

Changing your style doesn’t only mean changing your wardrobe; it could also be achieved through other aspects of styling, such as your makeup look. For example, you may want to try out different eyeshadow for contouring techniques - which does not have to cost you a single penny as you’ll likely already have many of the necessary items at home. Furthermore, you can watch make-up tutorials for free online, which means you get expert guidance from the comfort of your own home.

Clean out your wardrobe to discover long-forgotten gems.

Cleaning out your wardrobe is more than a way to declutter; it could also provide you with the opportunity to ‘rediscover’ items of clothing that you love but had forgotten all about as they’d fallen to the back of your closet! As such, this could mean that you don’t need to do that much shopping at all. If you’re still in love with certain items but find they don’t fit quite how they used to, you could always tailor them so that you feel as comfortable and stylish as possible.

Consider making your own clothes and accessories. 

Learning how to make your own clothes is another great way to cut down the costs of upgrading your wardrobe, though it's important to note that it can be incredibly challenging when first starting out. However, if you keep trying and challenging yourself, you’ll soon create clothes you love wearing. Not only is this much cheaper than shopping in-store, but it also means you can express yourself thoroughly through your wardrobes, creating outfits that are made for you and you alone.

Who knows, over time, this could become a side hustle or an opportunity to increase your income by selling clothes online. This means that your very own fashion empire could be just around the corner - you simply need to pick up that sewing needle to get started!  


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