*Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
Welcome to your own little confession booth.
What would you say if you were completely honest with yourself and with God? It's time to find out.
With daring questions, provocative lists, and quirky charts and illustrations, this journal is a place to record all the stuff you'd only tell God: ideas, beliefs, secrets, memories, wonderings, and wishes--things that might seem outlandish or outrageous to anyone else but are what make you you. You'll find the space, the courage, and the help you need to unearth the real you, the you that is sometimes buried deep beneath a layer of self-protection.
Where to begin? With your beautifully ruthless honesty.

Jennifer Dukes Lee (www.jenniferdukeslee.com) lives on the fifth-generation Lee family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband are raising crops, pigs, and two beautiful humans. Jennifer is the author of several books, including Growing Slow and It's All Under Control. She loves queso and enjoys singing too loudly to songs with great harmony. She wants to live her life in such a way that you can't help but want more of Jesus.

Stuff I'd Only Tell God is one such guided journal. I'm definitely a very visual person, so I appreciated the variety of charts and such among these pages... I feel like those definitely drew me in and set this apart from other guided journals I've seen in the past. There is a wide variety of questions in this journal--- some are more surface level questions whereas others dig deeper. Some I might not even feel comfortable writing down... but even still gives me something to think about as I'm going through.
Overall, this is a really interesting journal and one worth checking out if you're needing a new guided journal.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24