Friday, July 21, 2023

The Air I Breathe Epic Book Launch


About the Book

Book: The Air I Breathe 

Authors: Karen Baney 

Genre: Contemporary Christian Romance 

Release date: August 15, 2023 

Single mom, starting over Christian Contemporary Romance. 

One moment of weakness changed everything. 

When life throws Kelly Sutton a curve ball, she packs up everything she owns to move to Arizona to be closer to her daughter’s dad. Starting over in a new town stresses Kelly and triggers panic attacks—something she thought she was over. When a panic attack comes on and the only person she knows in town can’t help her, his roommate comes to her rescue. Will Kelly find her footing again in this new town? 

Matt Dixon has too much on his plate. He works as a financial analyst during the day while he goes to seminary at night. He also juggles an internship with his church to fulfill his dream of becoming a youth pastor. When he comes to the aid of his roommate’s ex, he never expects his life to go off the rails. Will he choose love for a woman over his dream? 


Book Excerpt 

Kelly’s stomach tightened as she pulled into the parking lot of her townhouse. Memories of her breakup with her fiancé raced through her mind. Derek, the low-life, broke up with her over text message. He had been seeing someone else for months. How she ended up engaged to a cheating man, she did not know. At least she found it out before she married the jerk.

As Kelly opened the door to the townhouse—the one Kyle owned and graciously let her live in rent-free until she found a new job—she dropped her purse on the kitchen counter. She tidied up the kitchen from the hurried breakfast. The spoon clanked against the dirty cereal bowl as she loaded them into the dishwasher.

When she finished, she sat on one of the bar stools staring at the job website on her laptop. The quiet of the house failed to calm her nerves. She typed in a search for event coordinator positions and drummed her fingers on the cool granite, waiting for the results to load.

At twenty-nine, her life turned out far differently than she dreamed. Starting over on her own as a single mom in a strange new city wasn’t what she expected.



Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here 





About the Author 

Karen Baney is passionate about writing stories full of flawed characters. She enjoys weaving together stories of second chances, redemption, and overcoming personal trials. As a transplant to Arizona in the late 1990s, she loves researching the state’s history and finding ways to seamlessly incorporate real history and real settings into her novels. In addition to writing and speaking, Karen works as a Software Development Manager for a Christian ministry. 

Her faith plays an important role both in her life and in her writing. Karen and her husband, Jim, make their home in Gilbert, Arizona, with their two dogs, Bella and Daisy. Both Jim and Karen are active at Rock Point Church in Queen Creek, Arizona. 

Visit Karen on the web at: 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24