Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Love Script by Toni Shiloh: Book Review

 *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

A Hollywood hair stylist.

Nevaeh Richards loves making those in the spotlight shine but prefers the anonymity of staying behind her stylist chair, where no one notices her. But when a photo of Nevaeh and Hollywood A-lister Lamont Booker goes viral for all the wrong reasons, her quiet life becomes the number-one trending topic.

The silver screen's latest heartthrob.

Lamont Booker's bold faith has gained him a platform, and the authenticity of his faith is well known . . . until the tabloids cause the world to question everything he claims to be. With his reputation on the line, he finds himself hearing out his agent's push for a fake relationship--something he never thought he'd consider in a million years.

A love that goes off script.

With their careers at risk, Nevaeh and Lamont have to convince the world that their scripted romance is more than just an act. But when fake seems to turn into something real, can Nevaeh trust her heart in a world where nothing is ever as it seems?

Toni Shiloh (www.tonishiloh.com) is a wife, a mom, and an award-winning Christian contemporary romance author. Her novel In Search of a Prince won the first ever Christy Amplify Award. It has also been praised by Oprah Daily, POPSUGAR, Library Journal, and Booklist, and is a Parable bestseller. Her books have been finalists for the HOLT Medallion and the Selah Award. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Toni loves connecting with readers and authors alike via social media. 

If I had to list my favorite romance tropes, I must admit that fake dating is pretty high at the top of my list. I love a good fake dating story! But I have to say that I've never seen it done quite like this... 

The story starts out with an innocent picture taken of Nevaeh (a hairstylist) and Lamont (an actor) by the paparazzi that is twisted into something not-so-innocent. Lamont is a Christian, who has made a commitment to celibacy, despite being in a world where that wasn't the norm. In an effort to protect their reputations, fake dating is suggested. Still, being Christians, they aren't super comfortable with the lie and decide to actually date to make the story not a lie. Like I said, not quite your usual fake dating scenario! While I personally have no issues with this trope, knowing they are works of fiction, I've certainly seen other Christian readers comment their unease with it... so I thought this was just a really fun take on the whole thing. Of course, it does share one thing in common with other stories of this nature--- we know that eventually they'll get their happily ever after! 

If you are someone who like their Christian romances with just a slight hint of Christian content... well, honestly, this one might not be for you! Their faith is a huge part of these characters and their lives, shaping each and every decision they make throughout. They are constantly praying, there is a lot of talk about church and seeking God's direction for their relationship and their lives. Again, I really thought that brought a unique take on the story and I really enjoyed it... but I can certainly see where it would not be for all readers too. 

In addition to a really sweet love story and a great message of faith, it had a few other messages that stuck out to me as well. First, it was a good reminder that what we see in the media isn't always the real story. Also, though Neveah was a Christian from the start, she struggled with church, which I think so many people can relate to these days. There were some really great moments on that topic too, which I thought was nice. 

Overall, this was a fun celebrity romance with a Christian spin and so much fun to read! It's definitely one worth checking out.


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