Thursday, August 3, 2023

Wild About My Neighbor by Anne William: Book Review

 *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

I had a feeling this goat yoga retreat was going to turn my life upside down,
But I never imagined it would turn my infuriating neighbor upside down.

What is Luke Tesson doing here, posed in downward dog?
He usually avoids me.
And I’ve always pretended I don’t notice him.
But how am I supposed to look away when he’s got a baby goat balanced on his behind?
From the first moment he moved in next door it was instant-sparks.
If I were to be honest, it felt like insta-love.
But insta-love is insane, and risky.
I am highly risk-averse, so I quickly turned that longing into looking away.
Due to our thin walls and his annoying antics, it eventually turned into loathing.
But now I find myself in a wild world of trouble.
I have an apartment full of baby goats that I somehow am the owner of (whoops).
Despite my best efforts, I find myself looking for help next door. To him.
And not just because he’s insanely attractive, he’s this small-town’s veterinarian.
Will this epic mishap reinforce my belief that risks always end badly?
Or, will this be the best thing that’s ever happened to me?

This heartwarming, hilarious romantic comedy is closed door but has all the sizzle, swoon and happily ever after you’re guaranteed to love. Timeline wise, this book is set right after Wild About My Fake Fiancé, but the entire Wild About You Series are standalone stories and can be read in any order.

Anne loves reading and writing swoon-worthy romance with a healthy dose of humor and adventure. Fierce females, adorable males, and happy endings are a must. She lives in the midwest, but is always traveling and seeking new adventures with her husband and four children. By day, Anne is a Cartographer, and has always loved geography and nature. The great outdoors is where she finds a lot of her muse, so you can expect to be taken on a wildly entertaining journey with each and every one of her books.

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Wild About My Neighbor is the fourth and final book in the Wild About You series. While characters introduced in the previous books make appearances in this one, I think it would read just fine as a standalone as well. That said, the series is fantastic, and I'd highly recommend reading them all! 

While I have definitely enjoyed the rest of the series as well, I must say this one has definitely been a favorite for me! The dynamic between Luke and Nova was so fun to read. Their attraction is evident, but their stubbornness wins out and rather than lean into it, they avoid one another. But when the avoidance ends... wow! The chemistry! This was such a fun story with great banter and hilarious moments that had me laughing out loud. I've found that there is just something about animal antics that can make a good story even better... and the goats in this story definitely were a great example of that! I couldn't get enough of it. While I'm definitely sad to see a series that I've really enjoyed come to an end, what an end this was! 

Wild About My Neighbor is a closed-door romance with great chemistry but nothing beyond kisses and a few minor innuendos. 


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