Monday, January 8, 2024

Bribed by the Billionaire Bad Boy by Camilla Evergreen: Book Review

  *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

Since when do billionaires with bad reputations buy friends?
technically, Lex Hawthorn contractually obligated me to act opposite him in our college theater play, not become his friend, but the lines do get blurry when he's taking me out for ice cream, offering me homemade muffins, and saving me when I don't know where else to go.

I've never felt this comfortable with someone before, much less with someone who's paying for my time.

If only secrets and contracts weren't the foundation of our "relationship," maybe I could start taking him seriously.

Bribed by the Billionaire Bad Boy is a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy with mutual pining, neurodivergent characters, and plenty of closed-door sizzle.

Previously Published as Unspoken.

Camilla Evergreen is an alias of USA Today bestselling author Anne Stryker. Originally intended as a dumping ground for all things lacking fantasy, Camilla/Anne came to the shocking discovery that writing sarcastic, chaotic romcoms full of quippy heroines and adoring heroes has a kick to it.

Camilla/Anne’s neurodivergent tendencies leave her hyperfocused on writing sweet and sassy romances from dawn till dusk and lending whatever her current creative obsessions are to her characters. From arranged marriages to falling for the boss, there’s lots of love to go around.

There are some books that you connect with right away... and others that take a little longer to get into. This one definitely fell into that latter category for me. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to make of Lex's character at first. But as the story went on and we got to know these characters on a deeper level, they managed to weave themselves around my heart and I found myself absolutely adoring them and their unique romance. The story has a bit of a slower pace, but that pace felt very natural to these characters and allowed us to see their growth throughout. I almost felt like there was a little bit of a musical quality to the story, which was quite fitting with these two. 

As always, Camilla does a beautiful job of creating sweet love stories while also addressing more difficult moments. In this case, we see that with the strained parental relationships for both Calypso and Lex. There were moments that were absolutely heartbreaking... but they were balanced so well with those lighter moments. Another thing that I always enjoy about Camilla's books is how very deeply her MMCs fall... and Lex certainly had that covered. While again I wasn't sure about him at first, by the end he'd won me over and was just the perfect complement to Calypso. They truly were the sweetest and I absolutely adored them. 

Bribed by the Billionaire Bad Boy is a closed-door romance with kisses only and very minimal language. 

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24