*Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
Their choice? Scandal or mutual salvation.
Determined to support her mother and sisters after her father's untimely death, Charlotte Mandeville covertly crafts satirical caricatures of high society. It not only puts money in her family’s bare pockets but ensures the haut-ton cannot guard all the power and the secrets.
Anthony Yorke has a guilty conscience and a brother to exonerate. When the key piece of evidence to clear his brother's name falls into the hands of a headstrong young woman, he is willing to do whatever is required to obtain it from her.
But Charlotte is not easily persuaded, and while the thing she demands in return for the evidence is reasonable enough, it leads to the unthinkable: a forced engagement between them.
Can the ruse they must craft and maintain survive their mutual dislike, or will it crumble, bringing them and their families along with it?
Reputation at Risk is the first in a new series of Regency romances, full of banter, a touch of suspense, and all the swoon without the steam.
Whitney Award-winning author Martha Keyes was born, raised, and educated in Utah—a home she loves dearly but also dearly loves to escape to travel the world. She received a BA in French Studies and a Master of Public Health, both from Brigham Young University.

To be honest, regency romances are not one of my go to genres. I enjoy them on occasion, but they definitely tend to be more hit and miss for me, so I just don't tend to reach for them too often. But from the moment I read the title and blurb for this one, I knew I had to give it a chance... and boy am I glad I did! I absolutely adored this book!
First of all, these characters! Charlotte is sassy and independent, and I couldn't help but love her right away. Anthony... took a bit longer to love, but once I got more of his story and discovered why he was so persistent, I couldn't help but love him too. From the start, these two despised each other. The banter between them was absolute perfection! Enemies forced into a betrothal to save their reputations... what could be better than that!? The chemistry was every bit as wonderful as the banter, and I enjoyed every second of it. This was definitely enemies to lovers done right!
I loved the elements of mystery and suspense in the story as well... it is what brought them together after all. It kept me intrigued throughout the story and seems like it will carry on through the series as well. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Reputation at Risk is a closed-door romance with kisses only and no language.

Get your copy: https://amzn.to/43PxiHQ
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