Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Lost and Found: Q&A with Jennifer Carr + Giveaway


About the Book

Book: The Lost and Found

Author: Jennifer Carr

Genre: Christian Suspense

Release Date: June 1, 2023

In the small quiet town of Owenston, Kentucky, former FBI agent Mark Collins has found a new purpose as the county Sheriff. Married and enjoying the prospect of becoming a father for a second time, Mark’s life seems picture-perfect. But when a series of petty thefts turns into a murder investigation, Mark’s peaceful life takes an unexpected turn.

With his steadfast resolve and unwavering faith, Mark embarks on a race against time to catch a killer, but as he digs deeper, he realizes that the case is more complex than he ever imagined, and danger hits closer to home than he could have anticipated.

The Lost and Found is a Christian suspense novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat, blending thrilling intrigue with heartwarming moments. Mark’s unwavering commitment to justice, his ever-expanding family, and his unwavering faith in God make for a gripping tale of redemption, hope, and love. Can Mark untangle the web of secrets and find a way to heal the wounds of the past? Discover the truth in this captivating story of courage, compassion, and the power of love.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

A wife, mom, author, marriage and family counselor, a former AP Psychology teacher, and a podcaster, Jennifer draws from her life experiences and imagination to connect with her readers and listeners through the written and spoken word.
Married to her childhood best friend and the mom of a creative daughter, Jennifer enjoys a quiet life on their farm in Alabama.
When she’s not wearing one of her many hats, you’ll find her tucked away with a book and what’s likely her third coffee of the day.




More from Jennifer

The Lost and Found is the second book of the No Matter What series but can be read as a standalone. I needed to make sure my characters were happy and healthy after their adventures in the book one so the day I sent No Matter What to my editor, I started writing The Lost and Found.

I love to bake and when I was pregnant with our daughter, I craved all things sweet. One of the characters in the book has a similar craving so I created a recipe for her to enjoy. I’d love to share it with you.

Author Interview

Can you share 5 random facts about you that we will not find in your bio?  


Oh goodness, let’s see… 


1. I play several instruments including the Clarinet, French Horn, and Trumpet 

2. I owned a bakery and it all started because my Oatmeal Cream Pies were better than Little Debbie’s! 

3. The first career I ever wanted was Astronaut. Unfortunately, I’ve never been good at math or science.  

4. Every time I took a career inventory the top three results were Teacher, Writer, Actor. I’ve done all 3 but never made a career of any of them until now! 

5. I love candy corn. If I didn’t think it would cause serious health problems, I’d hoard it and eat it every single day of the year. It’s probably a good thing it only comes out once a year.  
When did you first discover you had a passion for writing? 


I have always loved writing. I was scribbling really bad poetry on paper as early as fourth grade. I actually stumbled across some of it when we cleaned out our attic a few years ago and it was embarrassing and hilarious to say the least. And no, it will never see the light of day again! HA!  
But, writing has always been a natural way for me to process my thoughts and emotions. I entered and won multiple writing and oratorical contests all throughout middle and high school. I did not, however, know that I could write a book and love doing it until 2021. And now, I can’t stop! 



What drew you to your chosen genre?  


I write what I enjoy reading so a lot of romance, a little suspense, and one of these days I’ll finish the Urban Fantasy I started last year! 


What does your writing routine look like?  


It looks like a lot of sitting and staring at the screen if I’m being honest! There are days I find myself “in the zone” and I’ll throw 3000 words onto the page and then there are days where I will type 12 words just to delete them later!  


Are you a planner or a pantser? 


I am 100% a pantser. I do very few things by the “seat of my pants but writing is one of them. Which is FUNNY to me because I am the Type A, plan everything, don’t call me up last minute because I will say no to most things kind of person. But my stories play like movies in my head so I have to sit down and write what I see before I lose it.  


I will say that I have a very chaotic document for every manuscript full of notes that I will refer to for maybe a timeline or something. Otherwise, I’m usually just as surprised to read what I’ve written at the end of a day as the next reader!  
If you had to describe your main character(s) in just three words, what would they be?  


What a GREAT question! I love my characters and a lot of thought goes into every single one of them because honestly, the characters are my favorite part of ANY story. 


Mark: strong (in every way), compassionate, determined 


Jess: intuitive, thoughtful, intelligent 
What was the most challenging part of bringing this story to life? 


Writing the story of the two boys. I am not a stranger to the dark places some children come from but actually writing the story broke my heart.  

What was the most rewarding? 


Hearing from readers who connected with the story. Whether it was the common thread of foster care or adoption, just to hear the stories of hope and family was immensely rewarding.  
What do you hope readers will take away from the book?  


Family are the people who love you unconditionally regardless of their blood-relation. And when you’re part of God’s family, you’re never alone – even in the most hopeless of situations.  
Where can readers follow along to see what’s coming next?  


My website,, has links to all of my books, my works in progress, and the bonus materials like deleted scenes and bonus epilogues.  


If you want to get to know me, I have a Facebook page and a TikTok channel that I utilize most frequently and I LOVE interacting with readers and other authors. @jcarrwrites (for both) 


Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, April 16

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 17

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, April 18 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, April 18

Texas Book-aholic, April 19

Lakesidelivingsite, April 20

Artistic Nobody, April 21 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, April 22

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, April 23

Cover Lover Book Review, April 24

Beauty in the Binding, April 25 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, April 26

Blogging With Carol, April 27

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, April 28 (Author Interview)

Exploring the Written Word, April 28

For Him and My Family, April 29


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away the grand prize package of a Six Month Subscription to Kindle Unlimited ($60 value) and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. This looks like a brilliant novel. Thanks for hosting and sharing this tour.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24