Saturday, July 13, 2024

So Not My Romantic Getaway by Evie Sterling: Book Review

 **I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions are my own. 

book cover

The Book

I am stuck at a Hawaiian resort with my rival coworker…
He’s terrible to work with but way too good at playing fake-boyfriend.

When I won a week-long trip to Hawaii for being a star employee, I did one of those happy dances at my desk. I immediately ordered a cute bikini, a floppy beach hat, and new sandals. Then I arrived and discovered my good luck wasn’t all good.

Yes, I won the trip… but so did my nemesis.

Jack Morgan is impossible to work with: Stubborn, cocky, and too charming for his own good. We have a long history of contentious emails behind us, and the fact that we’re up for the same promotion doesn’t help matters.

I blame the fruity cocktail from the poolside bar for that scheming session we had in the hot tub.

Our plan to take happy-couple photos to cheer up my mom and earn him some respect points with his ex seemed like a great idea…

Then again, that could have been the rum talking.

Because, really, posing cheek-to-cheek with Jack is more trouble than I’m prepared to deal with.

His perfectly crooked smile, sea-tossed hair, and deliciously manly smell make me swoon. Worse? He’s a lot sweeter in person than over email. He’s outgoing and can draw me out of my shell. We’re different, but we get each other in a way I never expected. Now, we’re bonding over stolen kisses, surf sessions, and our love of sea turtles.

This vacation is starting to feel romantic, like one of those fairytales where the princess meets her prince. Or, I could be building castles in the sand…

So Not My Romantic Getaway is a clean & sweet opposites-attract, enemies-to-lovers romance that delivers all the feels of falling in love on an island: sunsets, flamingos, and white-sand beaches included. Expect an introverted heroine who has her walls up and forgot how to lower the drawbridge and an outgoing hero who’s willing to forge the moat. Oh, and turtles. Let's not forget the turtles.

The Author

Through her fiction works, Evie Sterling seeks to provide readers with an escape into a world of genuine emotions and heartfelt experiences. Evie hopes to connect with readers who share her passion of clean romance and those who seek to be moved by stories that touch heart and soul.

Book Review

So Not My Romantic Getaway is part of the My Not So Fairytale Life Series. I had not read the previous book and found this read just fine as a standalone. 

This was such a cute read. Jack and Hazel's first meet was anything but conventional... and I loved it! Throughout their first date and the best kiss though, they failed to learn one thing--- each other's names. When they finally discover the truth, they learn that they are coworkers and work rivals whose previous interactions had all been through email. It was definitely a really fun way to start the story and I found myself really enjoying their chemistry. There were definitely some moments where I wanted to shake some sense into one or both of them, but it all worked out in the end. I loved the great summer vibes in this story... and Chester the Sea Turtle really won my heart and made this story all that much better! If you're looking for a fun summer romance, this is certainly one worth checking out. 

So Not My Romantic Getaway is a closed-door romance with kisses only. It did have one very minor swear. 

You can purchase your copy here:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24