Friday, August 23, 2024

How to Finally Get Your Dream Smile

Beautiful smiles are everywhereor at least it seems like they are. More and more people every year are either getting braces or using other methods to straighten their crooked teeth. If you happen to have beautiful teeth in and of themselves, then that’s all you need to achieve that Hollywood smile.  

For those who don’t like the shape, size, or overall look of their teeth, however, it isn’t so simple. It’s also hard to constantly see so many beautiful smiles and teeth everywhere you go: if not online, then on your TV; if not on the TV, then your coworker who just got their teeth done. The good news is that aesthetic dentistry is valid, and you can invest in it for your smile, too.  

Ready to get started? First it’s important to learn all about your options. 

Improving the Shape of Your Teeth 

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to getting your dream smile is when your teeth themselves aren’t up to your standards. You might think they’re too small; they may be cracked, chipped, or deeply stained. The good news is that there are a few ways that you can improve the fundamental look of your teeth: 

  • Veneers  

You can get stunning, natural-looking porcelain veneers near Houston that will last a lifetime. These veneers are custom-made shells that are securely bonded onto your teeth to hide away those imperfections for good. The results can look completely natural (like you were born with them), or you can opt for a different kind of tooth (for example, some people want to get slightly larger veneers). Either way, when it comes to getting exactly what you want, veneers are the way to go.  
  • Braces  
If your teeth themselves are fine, but they are crooked, or there are gaps, then you’ll want to straighten them. One of the more efficient ways to do this is with braces, or by bonding your teeth togetherif you have a gap. This is because they’re temporarily (or permanently, in the case of bridges) bonded to your teeth.  
  • Retainers  
Invisalign has changed the game for many. In the past, adults would avoid getting braces because they didn’t want to deal with the hardware. If that is what was holding you back, then know it’s time to go get a retainer teeth straightening program (whether that’s Invisalign or a competitor). The only issue is you need to be very strict with yourself in order to get straight teeth on your timeframe, since you can take the retainers out at any time.  

Teeth Whitening  

For many, the only factor that’s holding them back from loving their smile is the shade of their teeth. The good news is that there are many different teeth whitening options. Start first, however, by visiting your dentist or hygienists for a full clean. They can remove build-up issues like plaque or tartar. Tartar especially, since it looks like yellow build-up along your gumline.  

Once your teeth are perfectly clean, you can then start to whiten them with whitening toothpaste or strips 

Alternatively, you can get professional whitening treatment at your dentist, which provides dramatic results thanks to the higher hydrogen peroxide percentage they can use. Just remember to think hard about the shade of white you want to reach, since pure white can actually be jarring to see on teeth.   


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