Sunday, August 25, 2024

Joann: Q&A with Donna Jo Stone + Giveaway


About the Book

Book: Joann: Apron Strings Book Five

Author: Donna Jo Stone

Genre: Inspirational Historical (1960s) Romance

Release date: May 15, 2024

One cookbook connects them all…
Joann ~ Book Five in a string of heartfelt inspirational stories, featuring different women throughout the decades from 1920 to 2020.

Twenty-four-year-old Joann Kincaid’s life ambition is to one day run the family’s general store in Pecan Grove, Louisiana. It’s 1965 and the times may be a-changing, but Joann’s father is stubbornly hanging on to old-fashioned views about what he wants for his daughter. She’s just as determined to prove she’s a capable businesswoman.

In the past, she entertained romantic dreams alongside her vision for the store but discarded those notions when her high school sweetheart, Nathan, left for college. Now he’s back to reestablish his family’s farm—and a relationship with Joann. She still loves him but isn’t sure she can trust him.

As the conflict in Vietnam escalates, there’s a real possibility Nathan could be drafted. Should Joann pursue her lifelong dream to continue her family’s legacy? Or give Nathan a chance to prove he’ll be her true and committed love before it’s too late for them?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Donna Jo Stone writes southern-flavored novels for the inspirational and general market. Her stories are often about people facing tough times. Not all of her books have romance but when they do, the romances are sweet. No graphic language, sex, or violence, just plenty of heart-tugging emotion with endings that leave readers with a sense of hope.





More from Donna

Joann: Apron Strings Book 5 is part of the Apron Strings series, a multi-author project. When Jenny Knipfer, the organizer behind the project, approached me about joining the lineup of authors, I was immediately intrigued. An old cookbook passed down each decade to a new character? Small towns? Romance? Sign me up!

The books in this inspirational series are connected by one single cookbook, Mrs. Canfield’s Cookery Book, as it passes from character to character. The cookbook contains more than recipes. Through time, women have penned encouraging words, quotes, and scriptures in the margins. There are eleven books in the Apron Strings series—one for every decade from 1920 to 2020. My novel, Joann, takes place in the 1960s.

One of Joann’s specialties is a popular 60s favorite, Jello with Dream Whip. No recipe needed there. Joann uses recipes from Mrs. Canfield’s Cookery Book, but she would’ve relied on a cake mix every now and then, such as in the recipe at this link, Joann’s Easy Blueberry Pound Cake.

Another name for this should be Disappearing Blueberry Pound Cake, because that’s what happens when I make it! This cake has become a family favorite. As far as how Joann’s cooking attempts using Mrs. Canfield’s Cookery Book come out, you’ll have to read the novel to see. In the back of my novel there’s another recipe, one that would’ve appeared in Mrs. Canfield’s Cookery Book. All of the Apron Strings books have a recipe or two (or more) in the back.

Parts of Joann’s story are fun and lighthearted, but she also faces serious issues during uncertain times. I hope readers enjoy reading Joann, but also hope they come away from her story with a deeper understanding of the comfort that comes from trusting God with the future.

Author Interview

Can you tell us a little bit about what readers can expect from your books? 

I write from a Christian worldview, and write inspirational fiction for the Christian market. I also write clean fiction for the general market. My books don’t always have romance, but if they do, the romance is sweet. I love southern fiction, and my characters are usually from the south and the settings tend to be small towns. While I am not averse to exploring serious topics and can explore heavy issues, my fiction often has hints of humor. 

Can you share 5 random facts about this book? 

It takes place in an old-time country store in rural northwest Louisiana. 

I reference 1960s songs in the story. 

There is a wedding dress. 

Joann does a bit of baking, but also makes a typical dish popular in the 60s, Jello. 

I reference landmarks people familiar with the Shreveport and surrounding area may recognize.  

What was the inspiration behind it? 

The Apron Strings Series is a multi-author inspirational women’s fiction (with romance) series organized by Jenny Knipfer. She came up with the idea of a single cookbook passed down every decade to a different woman from 1920 to 2020. The cookbook, Mrs. Canfield’s Cookery Book, plays a part in every story. When she told me about the concept, I thought it was a great idea. My book, Joann, is book five in the series and takes place in 1965. There were several elements and places that were the inspiration for this novel.  

The music of the 1960s provided a little bit of a backdrop for the story. Joann wants to bring her family’s general store, Kincaid’s Mercantile, into the new decade by selling music. I’d already decided this before I found out that in 1965, Shreveport had a woman-owned recording studio, RAM. I didn’t use the real person or studio, but my fictional person and studio were inspired by RAM. Joann lives in Pecan Grove, a fictional small town outside of Shreveport, so it all came together nicely. 

Near the East Texas border, there’s an old-time store, the oldest continually operating general store in Texas, T.C. Linsey and Co. This store served as the inspiration for Kincaid’s Mercantile. I loved visiting the store and imagining what life in the past could have been like for the people who worked and shopped there. T.C. Lindsey is more of a museum these days, although visitors can buy gift items, snacks, and souvenirs.  

As I began to create the character of Joann, I found myself thinking more and more of my big sister. Joann is practical, responsible, kind, a hard worker, and a nurturer. My older sister is all of those things. The sister relationship in the story developed as I was writing. The sisters have a close bond, as sisters often do.  

My mother also played a part. When I first set up housekeeping, my mother gave me a beautiful picture that had a Bible verse on it, Proverbs 3: 5-7. This verse was the inspiration for the scripture application in my book. I thought often of the verse, the picture, and my mother as I wrote Joann’s story. 

What was the most rewarding? 

I think the most rewarding thing about Joann was connecting with other authors in the collaboration. Their support and help was invaluable. Besides that, I would say finding out I could finish a book under deadline, learn about marketing, and juggle all the non-writing things. I’ve always loved to write and have had bits and pieces published. Novel writing is fun. I’ve written several books and even helped other authors with book coaching, but all the intricacies of publishing and marketing felt overwhelming. Now I know I can do it! 

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Before you go, where can readers keep up with what’s next? 

Readers can sign up for my newsletter to hear all about upcoming releases and events.  

They can also find all my social links at my website, learn about my books, and/or apply to be an ARC reader for upcoming releases. 

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 14

Stories By Gina, August 15 (Author Interview)

Mornings at Character Cafe, August 15

Texas Book-aholic, August 16

Simple Harvest Reads, August 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 18

For the Love of Literature, August 19 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 20

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 21 (Author Interview)

Connie’s History Classroom, August 22

Blossoms and Blessings, August 23 (Author Interview)

She Lives To Read, August 24

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 25 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, August 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 26

Guild Master, August 27 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Donna is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

(Paperback for a US winner only. eBook if winner is international)

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24