Monday, August 5, 2024

Just Partners by Evie Sterling: Book Review

 **I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

The Book

My glittering career as a TV detective implodes when I am suddenly blacklisted from Hollywood.
Desperate for a fresh start, I return to Pinecrest, Montana, where my late father's detective agency barely survives under the management of my childhood crush, Lincoln Suco.

Lincoln and I form an uneasy alliance when a baffling case falls into our laps.
"Just Partners," we agree, ignoring the sparks between us.

But as we dive into a world of small-town secrets and unexpected dangers, maintaining professional boundaries proves harder than cracking the case. The years between us seem to vanish, and I can see Lincoln struggling to keep things strictly business with us.

With my big-city dreams in shambles and Lincoln's past casting long shadows, I have to decide if Pinecrest—and a future with Lincoln Suco—might offer more than I ever imagined.

Could "Just Partners" be only the beginning of our story?

"Just Partners" is the first book in the captivating "Investigating Love Series" that follows the journey of Cassandra Love and Lincoln Suco from reluctant colleagues to something far more complex and heartwarming.

The Author

Through her fiction works, Evie Sterling seeks to provide readers with an escape into a world of genuine emotions and heartfelt experiences. Evie hopes to connect with readers who share her passion of clean romance and those who seek to be moved by stories that touch heart and soul.

Book Review

Oh my goodness, what a fun read this was! First of all, the chemistry between Link and Cassie was absolutely fantastic. I adored their witty banter--- banter that would certainly make Veronica Mars proud! I must admit though, when I noticed that 'father's best friend' was one of the tropes, I had a moment of hesitation. I'm all for an age gap to a degree, but when that's thrown in there too, I start to question it... but honestly, there was absolutely no ick felt with this story for me. Yes, Link is Cassie's dad's best friend and former business partner... but he was also quite a bit younger, only 12 years older than Cassie, so it didn't bother me personally in this one. I found I enjoyed every second with them together and could definitely relate to Quinn's enjoyment in their interactions too. They definitely drew me in and kept me intrigued right through to the end. Their story is definitely a slow burn though... and in fact, it really was only barely getting started in this book setting the foundation for future books. While the primary mystery of the book was wrapped up in the end, there are definitely still some questions left unanswered. As such, if you want stories that will completely be wrapped up in the end, you may want to wait until the series is complete! Personally, it has me all that much more excited to read the next book to get more answers... and to see more romance from these two! I truly cannot wait! 

Just Partners is a closed-door romance with kisses only and no language. 

You can purchase your copy here:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24