Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Road to Chidarra Epic Book Launch

About the Book 

Book: The Road to Chidarra 

Author: Keith B. Perrin 

Release Date: December 14, 2016 

The Road to Chidarra, is a Christian fantasy novel based in an age when men worshipped at the altar of their cruel masters the gods, and feared the monsters and strange beings who plagued their lands with malice and terror. The cries of the people are heard, and a stranger is sent from afar to guide, protect, and bring peace to the lands. This however, comes at great cost, for the dark powers do not give in so easily, and the struggle for freedom as always, is paved with blood and sacrifice. 

Book Excerpt 

Taking the dagger, he cut down enough branches to make a soft bed. He then went over to bushes around the rocks and cut sticks and brush from them to start a fire. Walking in the room, he put the old dry wood from the chairs and the brush from the bushes into the fireplace. Then he opened a small bag on his waist and grabbed flint and steel to try to start a fire, but that didn’t work, so he went inside the stairwell and grabbed one of the old torches and used it to light the fire. He gave thanks, warming his hands and face. Then he took the soft, lush leaves, made a bed out of them on the cold, damp stone floor, and fell fast asleep. Night became morning and morning night again until after three days of sound sleep, he slowly awakened to the smell of broiled fish and hot bread wrapped in a white cloth. A flagon of milk, wine, and water each sat with the food on the stone table. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw three large ravens looking at him in the window.  Missed an Excerpt? Excerpt One:
Excerpt Two:
Excerpt Three:
Excerpt Four:
Excerpt Five:
Excerpt Six:
Excerpt Seven:



About the Author 

Keith Perrin, is a Christian Author who loves to tell biblical truths in an entertaining imaginative way, without compromising the reality of the scriptures, which will inspire people to discover the Bible and The Lord Jesus Christ for themselves. Growing up he watched tons of super hero  cartons, Saturday afternoon science fiction and monster movies, plus reading marvel comics. His day dreaming and wild imagination would have him experience all sorts of adventures. Soon he would put those adventures to paper, drawing and writing stories of all sorts. By far his biggest inspiration was reading the bible and bible stories at a young age that drew him closer in his relationship with this awesome God who worked might miracles and showed redemption and forgiveness to the flawed people in those stories. Flawed people just like himself. Keith’s calling is to love God, share the Gospel to all who would hear and use his talents to to produce fruit for the Kingdom of God! 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24