Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bring Me Home by Ashley Weston: Book Review

 **ARC received for consideration. All opinions are my own. 

The Book

Sometimes the unexpected is just what we’re looking for…

Jasper Mason
I should have known something wasn’t right the moment I was told someone was coming to see a piece of the land. Our land.
Marlow’s Boys Ranch started as a dream, but easily became reality. That reality was as tranquil and peaceful as a sunset.
Until she got out of the car.
Mia Evans, as I live and breathe. It’s been fourteen years since I’ve seen her, and not a day has passed that I haven’t thought of her, or wished things could be different.
And now she’s here to take more than just a tiny slice of land. She’s the mom of one of our own.
The signs were there, I should have seen it. Maybe I didn’t want to. But now, I can’t have a moment of peace with her constantly around, winning over every person here.
How will I ever survive her leaving for a second time?
I can’t. I won’t. I have to keep her at arm’s length until she leaves. Then, and only then, can I go back to my peaceful life. Just the way I like it.

Mia Evans
I’m finally free of the disaster of my marriage, and ready to find the freedom for my son and myself. Question is, at what cost?
Before I dropped my boy off ten months ago, I never thought I’d be back here. It’s been since the summer before freshman year of college. The summer I fell in love. And the summer I got my heart broken for the first time.
My son is safe, and that’s all that matters to me. At least, I thought so.
When I open the car door, I know what I’ll find. I know Jasper works here and I know he’s been providing a roof over my son’s head with no explanation.
What I don’t know. . . is how I will react to being near him again after all this time. Opening up our past is the last thing I need. Though my heart is saying differently.

Bring Me Home is all about love, heartbreak, healing, and most importantly, second chances.

The Author

Born and raised in Gilbert, AZ, Ashley Weston loves her family, God, and the ability to dream.

Ashley has dreamed of writing a novel since she was in the third grade when she wrote her first story. It wasn’t until she began working with incredible people and having a good support system that she realized her dreams could become reality.

Ashley loves being a mom to four passionate souls, making friends, having dance parties, baking to her hearts content, and reading till all hours of the morning. Her hope is to convey emotions that uplift and encourage you, while making you swoon, through the art of story telling.

Book Review

Bring Me Home is the second book in the Marlow's Boys Ranch series. While we did get to know many of these characters in the previous book, I think this could be enjoyed as a standalone without any issues as well.

If you're looking for a great second chance romance that is tender and emotional with all the found family and healing (not to mention a swoon worthy cowboy) ... this is IT. Bring Me Home had everything I loved about the first book... and then some. Ashley Weston isn't afraid to take on the hard topics- like abuse and depression- creating beautiful characters who are real and raw, characters you cannot help but feel for and root for. Second chance romances are often some of my very favorites... and this one is done beautifully. There is so much heartache there, but also so much healing. There's such a beautiful chemistry between the Mia and Jasper. I loved the way that- despite his own hurts and their history- he wanted to be a safe space for her... he was so understanding and gentle, it was hard not to love him. Getting those glimpses of their falling in love the first time and the slow revelations of what happened to her/them since only had me rooting for that happily ever after all that much more. The author has created such a beautiful and special place in Marlow's Boys Ranch, and I absolutely adored it!

Bring Me Home is a closed-door romance with implied intimacy and some minor language throughout. 

You can purchase your copy here: https://amzn.to/4gtK5Fw


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