Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Lighten the Load of Foster Care with My Bag My Story {+ Win an Amazon Gift Card} #MyBagMyStoryMIN #endthetrashbag @mybagmystory

Many thanks to My Bag, My Story for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Did you know that per the US Department of Education, there are over 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system right now with around 20,000 young people age out of the foster care system at age 18 (or 21 in some states) without being reunited with their families or adopted each year? 

For so many of those kids, when they are moved into their next temporary home, they are given only a trash bag to carry their belongings. While that may not sound like something that would bother everyone, put yourself in those shoes for a moment. Imagine feeling like you have no real home and no place to belong... and the idea that those few belongings you DO have are no better than trash. That's not a great feeling, is it? 

So, what can we do to help? While ideally the answer might be to say foster (of course)--- the reality is that it's not an option for everyone. That doesn't mean we cannot still do something to help make a small difference in the life of a child living in foster care. Enter My Bag, My Story. 

My Bag, My Story is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of children in foster care by providing them with high-quality bags. One Bag Purchased = One Bag Donated.

My Bag My Story is a heartfelt initiative that addresses a painful truth faced by many children in foster care. As they move from one temporary home to another, their possessions are often carried in a trash bag. For every bag purchased, My Bag My Story donates a high-quality, durable bag to a foster child. These bags are more than just practical; they are symbols of support and recognition, affirming the inherent value and worth of every child in the foster care system. Through this gesture, it not only provides something functional, but it also helps foster children feel seen and valued. "I started My Bag My Story after becoming a foster parent and watching children always having their belongings in a trash bag or grocery sack or nothing. Everyone kept saying this was normal. I said it doesn’t have to be normal, so I set out to have bags made for kids," said Cara Finger, Founder of My Bag My Story. "Having a bag to call your own instead of a trash bag gives a child dignity and makes them feel valued. A bag seems so small but makes a huge difference in their foster care experience. Making a child feel like they are worth more than trash is so important to me."

They are able to offer this service through:
1. Donations: Through its donation program, every dollar donated goes towards giving a child in foster care a bag they can call their own.
2. Dignity Program: My Bag My Story has partnered with over 30 Tennessee-based organizations who work directly with children in the foster care system in order to get them high-quality duffel bags and backpacks.
3. Supporters: As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, My Bag My Story depends on the support of local and national corporations, including Dell, The Predators Foundation, St. George’s Episcopal Church and Target.

What a wonderful organization this is! Sometimes it is the little things like this that can truly make such a big difference! 

Order a bag today and one will be given to a child navigating the foster care system! Learn more here:

In celebration of this wonderful organization, one lucky reader is going to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Enter using the form below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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