Friday, September 13, 2024

Lovestruck by Dana LeCheminant: Book Review

 **ARC received for consideration. All opinions are my own. 

The Book

In the glittering world of Hollywood, actress Bonnie Aiken lands the role of a lifetime in a captivating mystery romance. For Bonnie, this isn't just another gig—it's her chance to prove she's more than just a pretty face and showcase her depth and talent. But with fame comes scrutiny, and the tabloids are relentless in their pursuit of Bonnie's every move.

Secluded author Hank McAllister finds himself contractually dragged from the solitude of his remote home to the bustling movie set in his hometown to meet the lead actors in the adaptation of his book. He's surprised to find Bonnie not only talented but refreshingly genuine. Yet, when a tabloid frenzy ensues, linking them romantically, Hank's desire for privacy clashes with Bonnie's desire for authenticity.

Tired of being defined by public opinion, Bonnie is intrigued by the enigmatic Hank. She sees beyond his reclusive persona, finding a connection she's long craved. However, Hank guards his heart fiercely, haunted by past loss. As their worlds collide, they must navigate the blurred lines between reality and fiction, questioning whether their burgeoning connection can withstand the relentless spotlight of fame and the lurking shadows of past wounds.

Lovestruck is a closed door standalone romance with character connections to the other books in the series.

The Author

Dana LeCheminant has been telling stories since she was old enough to know what stories were. After spending most of her childhood reading everything she could get her hands on, she eventually realized she could write her own books, and since then she always has plots brewing and characters clamoring to be next to have their stories told. A lover of all things outdoors, she finds inspiration while hiking the remote Utah backcountry and cruising down rivers. Until her endless imagination runs dry, she will always have another story to tell.

Book Review

Lovestruck is the second book in the Starstruck series. While you might have a better understanding of the friendship dynamic with Bonnie's friend group if you've read the previous book, I do think that this could be enjoyed as a standalone as well. We do also see some familiar characters from the Love in Sun City series make appearances (Hank himself was introduced there), but again, you do not have to have read those either. 

I absolutely adored Hank and Bonnie's story. On the surface, they couldn't have been more different--- she was the outgoing, well-known actress who lived her whole life in front of the audience, and he was the reclusive writer with the mysterious past who spent most of his time alone. But they truly were so perfect together! Though they both had things in their past that kept them from wanting real relationships, their chemistry was evident right from their very first meeting. Both had such wonderfully written backstories that I couldn't help but love them and wish for them to get their happily ever after all that much more. Hank's story was especially so heartbreaking, but it was balanced perfectly with the humor and romance to keep the book from feeling too heavy. I loved seeing both of their growth as the story went on... but especially Hank's! Of course, I also loved seeing the familiar characters from Bonnie's friend group too, and found it left me even more looking forward to the next books in the series. 

Lovestruck is a closed-door romance with kisses only and no language. 

You can purchase your copy here:


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